January 12, 2013

new beginning

On being three:
The defiance and attitude kicked up a notch. Or ten.
Blossoming curiosity, too. 
And, of course, the time-outs.
It’s like she enjoys trying my patience. 
But why not the toilet?!



  1. Give me a date and I will come play with her. I miss 3!

    Bribe. Resort to bribery like marshmallows and M&Ms.

  2. "The defiance and attitude kicked up a notch. Or ten.
    Blossoming curiosity, too."

    You made me smile with this-some are tougher than others but take some solace-they say that those who are naughty when young,grow up to be well behaved teenagers;-)

  3. Love this! Sounds just like my son, right down to the last line.

  4. This was cute - chuckled at the last line. People talk about terrible twos, but I found three more challenging.

    1. that's what i heard all last year. i agree. we're only three weeks into three and it's so different already! :)

  5. Love the last line! Good luck :).

  6. Most of my kids were 3 to 3 1/2 when they were really potty trained. With my youngest, I put him in underwear at 2 1/2, when wet him self twice and that was it besides a few minor issues!beebeee

    1. she's used the toilet a lot over the past year but there's no consistency and she really has NO problem sitting in a wet diaper or undies!!

  7. I feel ya. My daughter is two years and nine months and thinks she's ten. Would spend three quarters of the day in time out if I didn't have more self-control!

    1. oy the time-outs! now it's like a game to see if i'll go through with it. she doesn't even cry anymore when i put her into one. but i ALWAYS follow through.

  8. Replies
    1. yes, i do know that- just hope it's sooner than later. ;)


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