
September 26, 2011

Summer-icle Listicle

Summer 2011 was... hot. Hell, it started feeling like... hell... well before summer, with temps exceeding 90 in May already! Blech. I'm not a summer fan. At all. AT ALL.

But it was still memorable:

VACATION. For the third year in a row, we hopped in the car and drove a mere 90 minutes north to our favorite getaway. It's close, yet the difference in ... everything... makes it seem like we're in another country. Last year when we went, Lovie was 5 months old; this time she got to enjoy and see a lot more: like seeing the beach and playing in the sand for the first time... and visiting the zoo and all its animals for the first time... and, finally, on our way home, stopping off at our city's awesome aquarium for the first time.

PARKSCAPADES. As long as temps are above 40, below 80 and dry, I make it a point to stop at the park after school. Sadly, that wasn't too often this summer because it was just too dang hot. BLECH do I hate the hot. There were a couple times when we did get out, though, and we always had a blast.

TODDLER ROOM. Summer 2011 also marked the time when Lovie finally changed rooms at daycare... from the infant room to the Toddlers room. It was a sad transition... FOR ME...but Lovie has thrived and just adores it. (These days, when I arrive at school to pick her up, Lovie gets all giddy the moment she sees me, says "Look! It's Mama!" all proud and happy, and leaps onto me.)

1 and 1/2. Summertime will always mark when Lovie has her half birthday... this one was pretty big (for me).

HATE. No summer (for me) is complete without some spewing of my hatred for it... especially when someone is sick.  

ART. Because this summer was so disgustingly hot and humid so often, we spent a lot of time indoors in the lovely air conditioning being creative.

ICE CREAM. What summer is complete without an ice cream truck treat

WIGGLES. Summer 2011 brought about our first live Wiggles event. It really wasn't that bad! 

39. Summer is the time when Lovie will always celebrate a half birthday, and it's also the time, just before Fall, when I celebrate turning another year older. And damn, I'm getting old!  

A few of my favorite pictures from the summer, in no particular order:


  1. That last picture is too much. :)

  2. The last picture = mass cuteness. I've missed seeing Lovie...bad me for not being around!

  3. I am not a fan of hot either, so I feel your pain! Great photos, love the ones of you two together. She has your smile, hands down!

  4. Hahaha! Had to laugh at this post...we are very opposite with my love of summer (and your hate for hot weather). Glad you still had a good one, though.
    Love your header!

  5. Like Jen, I too prefer the heat...most of the time.
    While we did the Fresh Beat Band, my two girls would have gone GAGA over the Wiggles. They are a staple in our house. Thank God for ON Demand!!
    Can you point your fingers & do the twist? You know, I can!

  6. Love the pics! Hate the heat! Am seriously so relieved that it's vaguely Autumnal here.

  7. It sounds like it was fun, even though you don't like the hot. I'm jealous of your close getaway. That must be wonderful!

  8. Looks like you made the best out of the season!

  9. The heat is one reason I was desperate to get out of Florida!! It's too much! Overall, it looks like you had a really good summer (minus the part where you were sick).

  10. Really digging the formatting of your list. You should move here. We have just two seasons - winter and construction. You'd love it! lol


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