
November 16, 2012

TILTW: 11.10-11.16

I could get very used to working only three days a week.
I love my new hair cut. Check it out:

yes, it's naturally curly and gray.

My dad is finally comprehending that sometimes people might not have a good reaction to things he just "has" to say. Will it stop him from opening his mouth so much in the future? Uh, no. The man is 79 and very much stuck in his ways.
I'm elated to announce that my first blog post for The Bump is being published today!
The answer to Monday's (or Tuesday) post is NOT #3. I absolutely love Nutella. No, the answer is... #7: I've moshed in a mosh pit. Good job on the guess, Amy! :)


  1. Remind us when the link to TB works so we can see it!

  2. I'm so glad you provided the answer to Monday's list. I saw several posts using that Listicle this week, and I've been wondering how I would learn the truth without scrolling with dozens of comments. Thank you!

  3. Oooh! Congrats on your publication on TB!

  4. Congratulations on the publication!

  5. Yay for your post at The Bump!!! And I LOVE your new hair!


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