
August 17, 2011

I think the time has finally come.

Yes my child is a rock star.

Yes she’s had a lovie of her own since she was a year old (which she doesn’t really play with much anymore).

But I love my Lovie with everything I am. And while I, myself, hate dolls (always have- with the exception of a Monchichi I had as a child of which Lovie has and calls Chachi, heh), Lovie doesn’t. And I need to own up to this fact.

Lovie is a nurturer. She loves sharing her food and drink with her mama, her dada, and her “babiesss.” She loves snunggling with her Grandmabear every single night before bed and in bed. (I honest to god am terrified of that thing falling apart as I have no clue where it’s from or how to replace it!)

The past several weeks she’s been taking one of her Babiesss to school with her every single day. And when she gets in to her class room, she shyly smiles to the teachers who ask if she wants a blanket for the baby. They wrap the baby in the blanket and place it in one of the swings (fortunately her drop off is when daycare first opens and there aren’t a ton of other kids coming at that ridiculously early time).

Every single day.

And when it’s time to leave, we have to get her Babiesss (it’s just one baby but she calls it Babiesss) and bring it back into the car with us where she will hold it the entire time we’re driving home. Sometimes she sings and talks to the doll. Sometimes she flips it into the air, chews on its arm, tickle its feet (which she finds hilarious), etc.

This morning, one of the teachers asked if Lovie had a play crib and stroller and stuff at home for her to play with her dolls. But she asked in a way that wasn’t so much a question as it was a statement (at least that's how I heard the tone to be)- like “You DO have this stuff for her, right?!”

“No,” I said, watching Lovie’s face light up as she watched the teacher swaddle the Babiesss. “I kinda hate dolls.”

They both laughed and I walked out feeling like an asshole.

It doesn’t matter that I hate dolls. Or pinkfrillyprincessyshit. Not anymore. What matters is that Lovie likes dolls.

Why on earth would I deny her of that?

I didn’t force it on her and I sure as hell am not going to make her stop. That would just be cruel. And dumb, really.

So I guess the time has finally come.

I need to finally come to terms with the fact that my baby doll, who is now a little girl, likes dolls and nurturing and just being an all out awesome rock star of a kid. And a girl.

I think it’s time to head down the baby doll aisle in the toy section. (Hopefully I won’t vomit along the way.)

But I still hate the pinkfrillyprincessyshit and will avoid that like the plague for as long as I can!


  1. I think dolls and pinkfrillyprincesshit and two completely different things. There's nothing wrong with Lovie wanting to do the things Mommy does. And if you think about it -- you push a stroller, you hold a baby, you give her a blanket, etc...

  2. hehe yes, but my hatred for both are the same. ;)

  3. Awwww. I know what Lovie is getting for Christmas this year. LOL

    I have never liked dolls either, but my kids love them! (Yes, I said kids...Bryce loves "babies" too.) We have strollers and bassinettes and a bunch dolls who can usually be found laying around naked. Sigh.

  4. I am not an athlete - but both of my girls are and they amaze me everyday with their hard work and dedication. Thank goodness I didn't blow off their pleas for soccer, gymnastics, swimming or track because I would have missed out on seeing them be the person they were meant to be rather than the person I thought they should be. You are a good momma for seeing that you need to parent your child where she is at and not where you want her to be. Besides, she is only trying to model what she!

    - Emily

  5. Okay, I am not laughing...yes, yes, I am! Only because I feel the same way about pinkfrillyprincessyshit!

    Good for you, though, for putting Lovie's wants above your own :-)

  6. Did she have a swing or something from when she was little that you can pull out or did you get rid of it already? Reuse what you already had? I will send you some blankets for her to swaddle the babiesssss I have a ton! :D

    For real though, play stroller/crib/etc. will be a Perfect Birthday or Christmas Gift.

  7. yeah i pretty much sold everything (team one and done) but i think i'm gonna make a little crib for her this weekend out of a cardboard box- maybe i'll even cut some slats in it and everything! :) and i got a ton of blankets for her to use, of course.

  8. Aw. She sounds like a sweetheart.

    No girls here, but I've had to make peace with some of the boy stuff that irritates me b/c my boys love it.

  9. Yeah, it's one of those things about developing personalities.

    Hubs broke his collar bone and shattered his kneecap when he was 17 - was riding a motorcycle and thinking about the girl he liked.

    I was really hoping The Boy would be into guitars or robots or something, but no... he loves motorcycles and cars and all kinds of vehicles. I can't even blame Hubs since he hasn't even had the chance to brainwash The Boy. The Boy just likes things that go zoom.

    Must be the same with Lovie and her love of dollies. They like what they like.

  10. My friend Erika has three kids with one boy who is now 5 years old. She was telling me how he's really into martial arts. She is totally ambivalent towards it but is bothering to learn anyway.

    It makes me wonder about our daughters and who they will be? I've always thought that it was my role as her parent is not to make her be X,Y, or Z. Rather, it's to provide her with an unshakeable foundation as she grows toward the person she will be. You're doing that for Lovie when you go along with her interests and it's an incredibly important gesture. Besides, she wouldn't know to be nurturing and gentle if she weren't seeing it modeled so well - a compliment to you!

    the stroller? I would never have guessed but I can tell you this - Ada will barely part with it still and she's had it for months. Pushes her doll Stella's actually quite cute!


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