
July 27, 2012

TILTW: 7.21-7.27

* Telling Lovie she can "do my hair" if she lets me do hers while watching Little Einsteins is what it takes for her to let me do something... anything... to her hair. I tried braids last weekend that looked super cute until the hair fully dried and the braids shrunk up into her scalp.

* I'm really loving the "I do it all by myself!" stage we're in. Please by all means- DO IT YOURSELF!

* Bath time immediately following dinner is so much easier than after dinner and TV/before bed. That way she can fart around as long as she wants, which has been up to an hour most nights lately!

* Lovie starts back with her "gymnastics" classes on Saturday. I took her out for the summer thinking we'd just go to the park (for free) but it's been insanely hot and we've barely done anything outdoors. I was going to sign her up for soccer (because my kid WILL play soccer) but she's become this jumping bean lately and talks about Gymnastics a lot so... gymnastics it is. Soccer can wait for now.


  1. Gymnastics is so much fun. Soccer is amazing, but it really is hot for outdoor sports. I have been trying to stay in as much as possible.

  2. I am going to sign Mags up for gymnastics next year and I can't wait. And PJ for soccer and tball again. YAY!!!

  3. My kids are grown and so I live through the grandkids now. Soccer is one of their favorite sports. The 14 year old has been playing for many, many years now both indoor and outdoor soccer. The 2 younger than him played at 3 years old. I was amazed. They didn't start so young when my kids were little. The youngest just turned 3 so I expect he will do something soon. His 6 year old sister went from soccer to gymnastics. They are so cute to watch. I do agree that it is simply too hot for soccer right now.

  4. I'm really excited for gymnastics pictures! The pictures in your new header are cracking me up. Love that lil butt. :-)

  5. This is lovely. Wonderful how you are open to taking your child's cues instead of forcing your own ideas. Great parenting.


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