
July 30, 2012

stick a fork in it

It's Monday so why not talk about stuff that bugs the crap out of me... more specifically, sounds that annoy me:

NAIL CLIPPING in a public area. Do it in the privacy of your own home, asshat.

CHEWING WITH YOUR MOUTH OPEN. Come on. I don't need to wonder if that's peanut butter you're enjoying with your chips.

WHINING. Child or adult, or even cat. Young or old. STFU already.

DORA. If you tell me one more time to "Say it with me" I'll scream.

DIEGO. If you tell me one more time to "Shout it!" I'll cut you.

CAILLOU. See Whining.

HIGH PITCH, NASALLY TONES from the lady that sits behind me at work. I'm not sure how I haven't screamed at her yet.

MOTORCYCLE MUFFLERS. Too loud for my old ears.


KIDZ BOP. Really?


  1. Nail clipping at home is foul enough, but in public? EWWWWWW! Great list:)

  2. Seriously.

    The guy in the cube next to me does the nail clipping!

    The guy next to him is now on the phone with his horribly annoying laugh and he is always saying, "I hate to laugh, but..." KILLS ME.

    Can you tell I'm in a bad mood today? :)

  3. I was so glad when my youngest outgrew Dora and Diego.

    And nail clipping anywhere makes me want to throat punch somebody.

    1. neither are allowed on in our home, but we still see the little "commercials"- unreal. UNREAL! SAY IT WITH ME!!

  4. I'd forgotten about Caillou until a couple of you mentioned it. I'm SO glad we have well outgrown that stage in our house!!

  5. Why would someone ever think of clipping their nails in public!?! Asshats indeed. ;P

    Great graphic!!!

  6. love the graphic and agree with everything on your list except country music. But I won't hold it against you.

    1. hehe Robbie thanks for not holding it against me. if it helps, it's just the super Twangy country music that annoys me. ;D

  7. Yes, to all of these. And THANK YOU for mentioning country music! Hubs likes it, and it makes me want to strangle someone. This could lead to the demise of our relationship one day. Only time will tell. ;)

  8. Country music isn't all that bad!! The newer stuff is southern rock.

    Dora, Diego, Calliou and Sponge bob = not allowed in our house.

  9. Oh, for the love of Kids Bop! I am with you on that one. My own kids sound cute singing, no one else's kids do. :)

  10. i never understood people who clipped their nails in public. is your life THAT busy? i mean really, do it at home!

  11. Your graphic was All kinds of awesome. Love it! Ellen

  12. Yepyep yep times ten. Love the collage. It is worth printing and hanging it for reference ;)


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