
June 15, 2012


I'm breaking away from my weekly TILTW to talk about my husband, Taye (nope, that's not his real name). I've been keeping this blog for over 2 years now and I don't really talk much about him... the thing is, without him, there would be no Lovie. And stuff. ;)

I don’t know about you but sometimes my husband annoys the piss out of me. You know, like when the garbage is overflowing and I have to beg him to gather it. Ugh.

We met online 12 years ago and the first time we met in person, we went to lunch. Before it was time to pay for the bill, Taye went to the bathroom. He was gone so long I started to wonder if he hadn’t made an escape. After what seemed like half an hour, he finally returned saying he lost the screw to his glasses. I should’ve known then that there was a screw loose in him but he’s a charming fellow so I stuck around.

Seven years later we got married and spent our honeymoon in the very romantic, Atlantic City (a friend gifted us the use of her timeshare; we chose AC because we like to gamble and hadn’t ever been to AC {and probably won’t go back… yikes!}). 

Our first full day there we went to hit up some of the casinos, stopping off first for a brownie sundae (for the 5 year old in me) and a smoothie for Taye. 

here's Taye after his smoothie. he loves when i take pics of him like this.

A couple hours later, Taye started saying something about not feeling right and, after a couple hands of Pai Gow, he took off for the bathroom. By now I was used to his ridiculously long bathroom escapades so it didn’t faze me much when he didn’t return right away. But when he did, he told me again that he was feeling weird and that he wanted to leave the table. So we made our way to one of the bar areas near a bathroom. We I sat and listened to music for a bit while Taye went back and forth to the bathroom. After the second or third time, he told me that he thought he was having an allergic reaction to something.

There he goes annoying the piss out of me on the first full day of our honeymoon.

“What do you want to do?” I asked him, never having been in the situation, trying to be a good supportive newlywed wife.

We started making our way out of the casino. On the escalators going down, with mirror walls on either side of us, I couldn’t help but notice a weird looking dude standing behind me instead of Taye. I slowly turned around to look for Taye when I realized the weird looking guy WAS Taye! His face was unrecognizable; it had blown up so much that he looked like a stranger to me… a disturbing stranger: His lips were like an empty, dyed hot dog bun; his eyes were bulging out of its sockets; and his cheeks were so puffed out, I thought his face was going to explode.

My heart started racing… Tears started forming in my eyes… I had no fucking idea what I was supposed to do.

We got to the main floor and sprinted for the exit.

“I deed somb Bededrill.” 
“Benedryl?” I asked, noticing a gift shop to our left.  “Maybe the shop has some!” I ran into the store and came out with an individual dose of Benedryl and water, and Taye shot it down.

“Baby,” I manage to squeak out. “You don’t look good at all, should we go to the hospital?”

He nodded in agreement.

By the grace of God, the casino happened to be about three blocks from a hospital, but of course the cab I hysterically flagged down couldn’t drop us off at the ER doors because of construction. Of course.

When we finally got inside the ER, the nurse asked us to fill out paperwork. Taye could barely function at this point, his face everything was so swollen. Soon, a nurse swung through the doors whisking Taye away, leaving me sitting next to a guy with a bleeding leg who was not very happy Taye got called in before him.

When I finally got to see him after about half an hour, Taye was sitting shirtless in his unzipped, unbuttoned pants on a gurney. He was still very swollen and couldn’t talk much, but was starting to look more like him rather than the disturbing dude on the escalator.

After 6 hours, we were able to leave with Taye pretty much back to normal and an Epi Pen souvenir.

Taye had known for some time that he had been allergic to walnuts, but all he had eaten that day was a smoothie so this all was pretty shocking to him. 

let's examine this photo more closely, shall we? this was almost the last photo of him!

The ER told him on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being death, he was a 7. Apparently his tongue was so swollen it impaired his speach, made his face look like it was going to explode, and could have caused Taye to choke to death! I’m not sure what would’ve happened if the ER wasn’t 3 blocks from the casino.

He may annoy the piss out of me all the at times, but I really am grateful he’s alive to do so.
aren't we adorable? and young looking?
Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary (June 1)
Happy 12th First Date-iversary (June 17)
Happy Father's Day ... to my love, Taye


  1. Good lord! I'm so glad he made it!
    On our honeymoon, M got *severe* food poisoning. He had to bail on our romantic dinner because he was so ill he couldn't even sit and watch *me* eat.
    Always good to know you're going to rock at supporting each other from the get-go, right? :)

  2. Oh my stars, that would have been terrifying. Thank god you were so close to help.

  3. Aww... thank God! So glad you both have each other. Happy anniversary to you both, Christina!

  4. Eek scary stuff! Nothing like that's ever happened to my husband but his job has caused him to bring home ticks, get stung by bees... cause MY allergies to start up... damn gardeners :P HAHA And my husband annoys me ALL THE TIME! But I still love him.

  5. EEK! Cross contamination by an allergen is so scary and unpredictable. So glad that hospital was nearby!

  6. Wowza! That is quite a honeymoon story. Thank god the hospital was so close and that you were able to act quickly. Happy (belated) anniversary!

  7. That is scary stuff! Good thing you have an epi-pen now!

    My ex-husband pulled his back at our wedding (and no, it wasn't from carrying me across the threshold!) and spent our wedding night prone on the floor. Not real fun.

  8. Wow - what a scary way to start off your honeymoon! So glad he's okay :-)

  9. You are hilarious and I am glad it all worked out.

  10. Wow! I'm so glad that he was OK! How terrifying!

  11. Gosh...that would be very, very scary. We celebrate the anniversary of our first date too. October 3. Glad that you were in an area with lots of medical personnel close by -- and not drinking some drink on a remote island somewhere.

    1. wow! i hadn't even thought about that- if it would've happened in another location!

  12. Nut allergies are so scary. We carry around an Epi-Pen for one of our kids. It's crazy how peanuts are just onmi-present!

  13. The moment you described on the escalator was fantastic. Well done! (And I'm glad he's okay!)

  14. what a scary experience...on your honeymoon no less! Glad he was ok.

  15. omg, i would have freaked out! you were so calm!!! Im glad he was okay!!! Nuts - pft...damn nuts.

  16. My husband and two of my three kids (so far) have anaphylactic reactions to a whole handful of things. It's scary and your post was tough to read for me!
    I'm glad that everything worked out okay in the end. Whoo!

  17. I'm glad he's still around to annoy the piss out of you too.

  18. AH that is so so so scary. Glad he's okay.

  19. Oh my gosh, that is scary! I'm glad you were so close to the hospital.

  20. Now that is a honeymoon story! I'm glad it all worked out for you. Food allergies are so scary.

  21. There is a way you can condition Taye to do more house work. I wrote about it last week. Here's the link:

  22. SCARY! I am not allergic to anything but my daughter Izzy is allergic to Amoxicillin and we found that out the hard way after an ear infection...she blew up, got hives everywhere and her eyes swelled shut. It was terrifying. Fortunately some steroids and a shot got her feeling much better!

    And now we know she can't take Amoxicillin!

  23. Yikes! Though what must have been terrifying to you then (and maybe still now) makes for a GREAT story to tell at parties...or on blogs. All I can picture is Will Smith in Hitch...

  24. Whoa, I didn't realize nut allergies could be so terrifying! Y'all certainly have a good story to tell!

  25. so scary! so glad he's still around to annoy you :)

  26. Holy Moly how terrifying for you!!!!! At least he didn't ruin the WHOLE honeymoon. My BFF spent her honeymoon somewhere tropical all alone when her husband threw his back out day 1. NOT having sex (waste).

  27. That's a pretty gnarly story right there! I'm glad it had a happy ending. And you guys are adorable.:)

  28. I deed somb Bededrill...ha! Glad he's okay. Happy anniversary!

  29. well, after a honeymoon like that, you've really got nowhere to go but up, right? you do wonder what was in that smoothie, though, don't you? congrats on all the non-benadryl-ed anniversaries after that first one!

  30. Scary start to your marriage. I'm sure it's all been smooth sailing since ;)

  31. So scary, glad it turned out OK! Happy Anniversaries!


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