
April 27, 2012

TILTW: 4/21-4/27

* I'm addicted to the internet. Yesterday, about an hour after getting into work, my computer freaked the F out. Turns out I had a virus. Man, was that embarrassing. And a LONG day without much internet access. I had to actually ... work. *shudder*

* 1-2-3 Magic is awesome. We've implemented some new things into Lovie's bedtime routine as a result of this book and ... so far so good! *love*

* I think I have to low carb again. Ugh. I'm trying so friggin hard to eat better but... I'm just friggin hungry. And I'm pretty sure it's the carbs. I've pretty much cut out all sugar, but I'm still eating some carby foods and DAMMIT WHY CAN'T I JUST LOVE SALADS?!? *fark!*

* Making "to do" lists do work. Posting them on your blog is a great way to try to stick to the list, too. Try it. I composed one back in January- for things I wanted to accomplish before turning 40. Let's see how it's going, shall we (comments from today are in red)?
* finish Lovie's 1 year book (up to 9 months now) and 2 year book
* go down two pant sizes (not even close to this- ugh)
* get new wedding/anniversary bands for our 5 year wedding anniversary in June (we'll have been together 12 years) (this is happening but hasn't yet since it's not June so can't cross off yet)
* start being more active again- walking when i can, taking the stairs (haha. no... hahahahahaha. ugh)
* do something ALONE at least once a month- even if it's running out to Target (this has happened a couple times! and even though i was home alone while the hubs and Lovie were out, it was still ... nice!)
* get out to a dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse with the hubs alone (it's our favorite and we haven't been since days before Lovie's birth)
* take a weekend trip to NYC to visit my BFF/cousin - alone - to celebrate our 40th birthdays (she's 6 months older than me) (should be booking this trip today as a matter of fact- WOOT!)
* start knitting again- and reading more (reading more when i can but that knitting thing? not sure when the hell that will happen)
* start writing more again (this is ongoing here on the blog- though not much fiction)
* and, again, the number one thing to do before turning 40 is get myself healthier (this is ongoing. i've already gotten a physical, gotten a mammogram and i'm trying to eat better.)


  1. A note on salads...

    As a salad lover, here's my advice. Find a thing that goes into a salad that you love, and start with that. For me, the winners are cherry tomatoes, pre-shelled pistachios, and goat cheese. I always keep a bunch of both handy, and then a salad = fresh spinach, cherry tomatoes, pistachios, maybe some edamame, and a little vinaigrette. Or, romaine lettuce, goat cheese, pistachios, chopped strawberries, and a little vinaigrette.

    ...frequently, with some chopped up fake chicken on the top.

    I've found that the two things that will keep me from eating salads are creamy dressings and the addition of crap I don't like but feel like I should eat- like celery.

    But goat cheese and strawberries and pistachios on a bed of spinach? Suddenly, it's practically dessert. But salad.

    So... that's my advice. Start with salads that actually taste awesome, and then once that's a routine, start worrying about whether or not they're healthy *enough*.

  2. Sadly, low carb does seem to work! At least it does for me. But I can only do it for a few months at a time before those baguettes start to call my name. : (

  3. You don't love salads because salads are the most boring food to eat. So much CHEWING. Bah. I no longer try to force myself to eat salad. Instead, I throw a few large handfuls of spinach into a fruit smoothie and call it a day.


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