
April 9, 2012

How come we stop?!

Lovie and I spend a lot of time together in the car as I take her to and pick her up from school Monday through Friday. The morning commute is normally not too bad- about half an hour long, tops. The afternoon commute is generally longer- about 45-60 minutes. We've been doing this together now for over 2 years and we're both still alive to talk about it! : )

That first year wasn't so enjoyable unless Lovie slept through it. Otherwise there was lots and lots of screaming and crying. Sometimes from her, too. ; )

Now that she's a talker (and oh me oh my what a a talker she is), our car rides are very different. 

10 things that can be overheard during our every day commutes to and from school:

"Sing, Mama!" (when a song comes on that she wants me to sing to.)

"Howcahm we stop, Mama?" (this one I get to hear about 100 times every single day on our way home, especially. I just adore living in the city.)

"Oh wow! Cars go fast!"

"That sound mean someone's in tuhble. It's Kacie, Mama! 'What's da problem, Kacie?'" (Yes. My child recites lines from her favorite TV shows. I swear we don't watch that much TV.)

"Hi stinky garbage truck."

"Anahder school bus, Mama?" (because I can fart out school buses.)

"Mama, we go to da farm? I give milk to da cows."

"Macaroni and Trees?! You can't eat that!" (Another TV show.)

"I wanna {bunny}, Mama. A pink one." (last week she wanted a bunny. Before that it was a bike.)

"Howcahm we stop, Mama?"


  1. Riding in the car with Lil Duck is ALWAYS an adventure and most often full of giggles too! Sounds like yours is the same way. Loved the direction you took today's list title!!

  2. My commute with Mia (and Manuel when he was younger and he went to the same daycare Mia now goes to) is one of my favorite parts of the day (minus the awful traffic!!!!) She is so funny and chatty that it makes the drive (to and from) pretty awesome! On random days where she is not there (if my mom has her so I can go to the doctors afterwork or whatever) I miss her SO much! I had to laugh about the part about when Lovie was a was the same on many days for us! If Mia lost her "ninny" (aka pacifier) it was A-W-F-U-L!:) That picture of Lovie is adorable!

    1. yeah car rides are so much enjoyable since she can communicate (usually) what's wrong. and yeah i miss her when we're not together, too.

  3. The word that comes to mind after reading this precious list? AWWWWWWW!
    Loved every single word. Hold on to those memories, Mommy.

    1. oh i'm holding on super super tight!! :) thanks for stopping by!

  4. I love kid talk and I believe you about the TV. Really. Erin

  5. Glad you waited to get the bike since it will change weekly :) And the cars going fast comment makes me think she would be great help to highway patrols. SHe is so cute Christina!!

    1. yesterday she asked for a horse (she was watching something on TV with horses- even though i SWEAR she doesn't watch that much tv). a pink one.

  6. I'm so jealous. One of mine believes that every time I sing, I'm trying to put her to sleep. Which means that singing in the car (a lifelong love of mine) is totally off the table. I'm working on it, but if I want to belt out a tune along with my radio, I have to deal with somebody in the back seat screaming at me to "Stop singing! You don't want to sing!"


    1. hahaha that's so funny though! :) i'm actually surprised Lovie doesn't react the same way since i sing her to sleep at naps and bedtime.

  7. Too cute... I often wonder why I stop so often too!

  8. Aww, she's adorable. How great is it you get some quality time during your commute.

  9. That's so cute! I remember my son at that age saying at a red stoplight, "Let's GO!" So, maybe I need to work on my road rage a tad...

  10. Oh, I can so relate. My 2 year old screams "go mama, GO!" every time I stop at a red light or stop sign. I say everytime: "mommy can't go honey, the light is red." "no. t'isnt mama. blue. go!"
    I finally figured it out, from her lower position in the car seat, she looks up at traffic lights through the blue tinting on the upper part of the windshield - thus making all the lights a blueish. LOL

  11. Bahaha! All I get to hear is Trailers, Big Trucks, School Bus, Train Tracks, Trains, WOOO WOOO, Cows, Cows say Moo... ugh! They are so chatty!

  12. So the bike has been abandoned for a pink bunny? I think I'd go with the bike, as bunnies require way too much effort for me!

  13. I've had some of my best conversations with my daughters in the car - but you never know what might be said! This is great!

  14. Sweet! My boys are always pointing out stuff and telling me where to drive to:)


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