
April 10, 2012


Easter's never been a big deal to me. Even when I was a kid and I'd get chocolate eggs and bunnies, it still wasn't a big deal and I'm guessing that might because, as a kid, I absolutely hated wearing dresses and being all girly and on Easter, it was expected: we had to dress in our absolute best, go to church, visit with family, and be on our best behavior.

Bo-ring if you ask me.

Easter today isn't much different except now I dress myself any damn way I please; I don't do church; I inhale so much fugly pastel colored chocolates long before Easter so that when Easter finally does come, I can pretend like I'm not interested in the candy; and now there's Lovie...of course.


This Easter was her 3rd and the best one so far. She was telling me she wanted a bunny all last week and I kept telling her Easter was coming and that maybe she'd get one then.

"OK," she'd reply. "A pink one!"

"We'll see," I told her, lying, and knowing very well that she was getting a little white one.

Saturday night after we got home from a very busy day of root canals (me- joy), lunch out at California Pizza Kitchen, and a visit with the in laws, I reminded her that when she woke the next day, it would be Easter. And the next morning when I got up to pee at 6:45, with the sun casting bright orange light down the hall toward the kitchen, I could hear a squeal from Lovie's room followed by, "Hi Mama!" (she has french doors)

I smiled because it's impossible not to around this kid, opened her door and told her I'd be right back after I went potty (and told the hubs to get his ass up and into the dining room with the camera), and when I got her out of bed and changed her diaper, I asked her if she wanted to see if the Easter Bunny had come.

"Yeah!" she whispered with a smile.

The hubs was positioned with a camera under the dining room window where the morning sun brightly beamed through on to the dining room table and down the hallway toward us.

Lovie's basket sat alone on the dining room table.

It wasn't a big basket and really, it wasn't a basket but rather a bucket. Inside was a bucket of bubbles, a sheet of bunny stickers, a little bunny that chirps when its belly gets pressed, a package of pink peeps, and about a dozen plastic eggs filled with either pastel m&m's or jelly beans.

When we exited her room, Lovie started going toward our bedroom and I told her that I didn't see anything in there and that we should check in the living room (open with the dining room).

She didn't notice the bucket.

She didn't notice her dad snapping photos.

Finally I had to tell her that I saw something on the table.

And my girl? Upon laying her big browns on the basket, she gasped so dramatically as if a double rainbow appeared before her. She was in heaven and wouldn't stop smiling.

And it lasted all day long.

She played with her bunny and carried her bucket around with her all morning while playing and watching TV and helping me clean (she wanted to help). Then she took a bath and a two hour nap and when she woke, my dad had been there for about half an hour and the two of them played together for a bit (he brought her a basket with another bigger bunny) while the hubs and I finished making lunch: Ham, Crash Hot potatoes, Prosciutto wrapped asparagus.

After lunch, we had some Lamb cake (Lovie insisted we sing Happy Birthday because of the cake so we did, and when it came time to say the person's name whose birthday it was, my dad sang "Jesus" and we kind of chuckled because, well, Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead so it's kind of like his birthday again, right?!?) and went outside to enjoy the crazy beautiful day.

Lovie rode her bike and we ended up going all the way to the park and back (after playing for a bit at the park)- a good mile in total. And when we got back, we said goodbye to my dad, heated up a couple meatballs for Lovie (her request), and watched Max and Ruby before retiring for the day.

Easter's never been more beautiful.


  1. I love the joy all over her face!

    1. all natural, too. i really hope she keeps that joy for a long time...

  2. She certainly looked like she had a great time, yay!

    1. she really did- and she made all of us old folk have a great time, too.

  3. Isn't it amazing how children reignite our interest in things like Easter, Halloween, and Christmas?

    1. life is SO flippin amazing and beautiful when seen thru their eyes.

  4. How wonderful that you get to "relive" Easter with your precious daughter! I loved being a preschool teacher during the holidays, especially when the children go so excited doing arts and crafts and related projects! It was real and genuine and non-commercial! (Thanks for commenting on Angel Wings!) Looking forward to more of you posts!

    1. "It was real and genuine and non-commercial!" <- exactly!! it really makes every day so magical, too.

  5. So sweet! I'm glad you had a wonderful Easter!

  6. Very sweet (see what I did there?) re-telling of your Easter story.

    I love her face, it's got all that little child wonder that most of us lost at some point.


    1. yeah that child wonder... what i wouldn't do to bottle it up to hold onto forever.

  7. Sounds like a lovely day! It's funny - I didn't think my daughter's basket was all that big either but she also looked at it as if it was the most amazing thing in the world. It takes so little to make little ones happy - something we should remember and try to emulate :)

    1. it really does take so little to make them happy- and that's why we don't go overboard with (materialistic) "stuff". there's just no need for a lot of it and why teach her to expect it, you know? instead, we shower her with love and effection and then we all end up enjoying the "stuff" more it seems.

  8. This made me sad that my own kids are so big now. Enjoy her while she's this little and every day is so beautiful.

    1. oh i'm sorry it made you sad.
      i, for one, thank you for your advice and absolutely live life with her to the fullest every single day. because she IS growing so fast. because every day really IS so incredibly beautiful right now.

  9. Aww how sweet! Great pictures to go along with it..

    1. thanks, Gia. it means a lot to me that an awesome illustrator such as yourself enjoyed looking at my photos. :)

  10. Sounds like a most lovely Easter. I especially love the Happy Birthday to Jesus. Perhaps next year, it should be happy re-birthday!

    1. of course- Re-birthday! why didn't we think of that?!??

  11. sounds lovely. also, prosciutto wrapped asparagus - YUM. so glad you guys had a wonderful day.

  12. She is just so beautiful. Happy Easter, indeed.

  13. My boys love Easter too. They have been re-hiding the eggs for days:)

  14. Happy, happy times :) I love thinking about her looking back at these posts one day!


  15. Your little one is so beautiful! What a gorgeous photo. Happy Easter!

  16. That big picture is adorable. Her happy expression is so genuine. Thanks for sharing this story.

  17. She is adorable and obviously so incredibly stoked. Happy belated Easter!

  18. LOVE that photo of your daughter looking at her Easter basket for the first time! And prosciutto wrapped asparagus - yum! So glad you had a wonderful Easter!


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