
March 23, 2012

TILTW: 3/17-3/23

* Lovie now knows what the word Surprise means and was pleasantly surprised the other day when she got her bike. The pink one. She's taken to it right away and glows anytime she gets on it. I can't wait to see what she does when she can get outside and ride it (still waiting for the helmet).

* Lovie is proving to grow sweeter and sweeter every day. And it still amazes me and takes my breath away when she does or says something sweet. Like the other day when she told me she loved me during our morning commute to school. And that she wanted to give me hugs. Or how she gets so excited to share donut holes with a couple of her friends at school in the morning. Or that she gets upset when another baby or child is upset and just wants everyone to be happy and have fun. What a heart she has at 2 years old. My goodness can some adults really learn a thing or two from her.

* I still cannot say enough good things about the Yeah Write community and all the tremendous writing and feedback that goes around during the weekly link-up. But more than that, for me personally, I adore the way it's sparked my writing juices again. I've been wanting to write more (and have for the most part), but the fact that I'm now actually thinking about writing before I sit down and write? That's awesomesauce to me.

What about you? Any awesomesauce enter your life this week? ;)


  1. Okay, Lovie is seriously the cutest little thing! I do love those Yeah Write Peeps too!

  2. Your daughter is beautiful!! And I love that she loves pink ;-) Oh, and I couldn't agree more with the fact that some adults could learn from her how to express love verbally so easily. Maybe she can have a chat with my dad?!

    1. heh, it's so funny cuz i thought of her and the pink thing and the verbal I Love You's when reading your piece. :D

  3. Lots to love, I love the new header (and the tagline--funny!0 Two, love the "Things I Learned This Week." So many times, I want to do a post with just the random stuff Em and Drew have learned. Three, will have to check out Yeah, Write after such a stellar endorsement!

    Happy Monday to you!

  4. I love toddler sweetness :)

    And no. No sauce, awesome or not, this week. Sometimes it's just like that.


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