
February 6, 2012

Passions: the Listicle

Passions. What are my passions? What am I passionate about? Hmmm.

Obviously she's my number one passion. Clearly that's pretty obvious around here.

But so is being a mom. I'm very very passionate about being a mom. I love it. More than anything- well not more than her, but yeah. I love being a mom. It's something I waited a long time to be and it's like a dream come true for me.

Writing is another passion. Without it, I wouldn't be. I'm pretty certain of that.

And then there's Bryan Adams. Yeah, I'm sure eyes are rolling and that's fine. You have your passions, I have mine. And he's one of them.
As is my Oma. I love this woman so, so much. I just... she means so much to me. So much so that she definitely belongs closer to the top of my list.

As does my passion for kids, in general. The pureness... the innocence... the wonderment. I'm very passionate about kids and wish I could do more with kids. Like ensure that every child grow up in a loving, nurturing environment with plenty of food on the table. Oh what I wouldn't do to make that happen.

Oh how it's good to be back to the Listicle way of Mondays! Woot, woot!


  1. I love my grandma and I LOVE Bryan Adams! So funny! "Got my first real six string..." My first concert!

  2. Your daughter is very lucky to have you as a mother! What an admirable passion you have. Children... they really are the most precious blessings!

  3. --No eye rolling here...

    Bryan is a doll!

  4. I love the way this is formatted. It's very beautiful.

    I'm new to the listicles, and I've found some great blogs. This is one of them! That's one cute kid you've got there, by the way.

  5. I call my grandma Oma as well! And my kids call my mom that! Is she from Germany by any chance?

  6. hehe thanks Chcik.

    Janice, i'd love to check out your blog but i don't see it on your profile. feel free to leave it in the comments!

    Jessica, my Oma hails from Austria, actually so yeah German roots. :)

  7. Love the black and white photo of you two. You are just such a lovely woman Christina and your passions reflect that. Specially since they bring three generations together. Perfect.

  8. Christina your words and your pictures are wonderful. I laughed when I read 'Bryan Adams' because I think there are two - and I was afraid if I said "YES! I like Bryan, too!" If you are talking about the 'Cuts like a knife' Brian - then I agree. (smile)

    Thanks for sharing your passions.

  9. Your little girl is so beautiful! Great pictures and awesome list. I love your last point about your passion for kids overall - Like ensure that every child grow up in a loving, nurturing environment with plenty of food on the table. Pure love - thank you for sharing!

  10. Great passions although I'm surprised there is no picture of Brian Adams in the post.

  11. I get the Bryan Adams thing!

    great list. and being a mom to such a cutie pie..definitely a worthwhile passion.

  12. Great list, great list! I love that header too, OMGoodness how adorable is Lovie?

  13. Wonderful! I agree on all but Mr. Adams, but, as you say, to each her own. ;)

    Love the colourful header!

  14. Your Oma and Bryan Adams = pretty cool!
    Love your list. (-:
    PS: Do not ever apologize for being a Bryan Adams fan - I could list some bands that I rock out to that really need apologies!

  15. Your Oma is adorable, Bryan Adams, well.. to each their own. great list.

  16. I love that in a list of your child and your Oma, exists Bryan Adams. :-)

  17. What a great list! And Bryan Adams is great too!


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