
February 7, 2012

All that Matters

I hate pink.

I've never been a fan of girly girls, either. You know the ones that squeal and giggle at everything? While wearing pink?

I mean, yeah I'm a female. I have big boobs and long hair, too. But I hate pink and I dislike girly girls. Always have, always will.

Except for one girly girl.


See, while I hate pink and dislike girly girls, it seems that my girl loves pink and is a girly girl. At least right now at age 2.

She loves playing dress-up in the pink princess play dress (there's also a yellow one but she has to have the pink one) they have at school. So much so that the other day when we were leaving school, she flipped out when one of her BFFs was asking the teacher for help to put on the pink princess dress. "I want pink princess dress!" Lovie shrieked as her eyebrows burrowed deeply and she latched onto one end of the dress, starting a tug of war.

She loves the color pink so much so that when I dressed her in pink jeggings (yes, I said jeggings- they're damn cute on 2 year olds) on Saturday she squealed in delight- like a girly girl- and said, "pink pants!!"

"Yes baby, pink pants. You like pink, huh?"

"Yessss!" she answered with a smile washing over her face.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Of course it is," I replied.

She wins.

The husband and I agreed from the day we found out we were having a girl that we wouldn't bring pink into the house- at least not until she started asking for it.

Well, it's time.

She hasn't really come right out and asked for pink stuff but the color makes her so happy that I'm giving in. Just yesterday during my lunch break at Walmart, I bought her some leggings, a tutu, and a stuffed monkey- all for Valentine's day and all in pink.

And when we got home, I set up her pink princess tent (check out her socks- they're pink and white striped!).

A part of me wonders if she'd still love pink so much if we had inundated her with it from birth. You know- pink sheets on the crib mattress, pink pack n play, pink pink rattles, pink onesies, pink sleep n plays, pink socks, pink bibs, pink high chair, pink car seat, pink stroller...

But the thing is... my girl?... my girly girl who loves pink and princesses?... she's happy and smart and funny, and, did I mention happy?!?

And that's all that matters to me.



  1. I too am not really into pink but wouldn't mine dressing my little girl from top to toe in Pink..she's too young to really decide whether pink is her colour but loves going for bright colours at the moment.

  2. Dude. It's karma! Nothing set in stone just yet so no worries. It's great that you're flexible enough to let her embrace this color.

  3. So cute! I love how they start developing clear favorites at such an early age. It's a total glimpse into their personalities! She's getting so big! Love the pink pants and boots :)

  4. She is such a little cutie!! :)

  5. I am 100% with you! All my life I hated pink, frills, ruffles - all that stuff. Then I had my first daughter (now 7) and I just can't escape it. She's the girliest. And I caved, for the same reason - what WOULDN'T you give your kids if it makes them that happy?

    I'm glad you linked to Thoughtful Thursday - I love your blog & I'm looking forward to reading more as your newest follower!


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