
January 2, 2011

Party One One

Yesterday was New Years Day, 2011.

More importantly it was Lovie's big birthday bash with family. And it was really a great, fun party. The food was good, the cake was really good, and everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves- especially the star of the show, 1 year old Lovie!

Picture overload below. Fortunately for you, I had someone else take pictures with my camera and the majority of the pictures came out super shitty. It's OK. There were plenty of decent shots to get the gist of what kind of party it was...

Yes, there's graffiti on the walls. That's part of the charm of this Chicago pizza chain. Mmm, look at all that goodness!!

This is her THIRD damn Seahorse she's been gifted- and she still loves getting it!! : )

Sesame Street Chatters Cookie Monster- big, big hit with Lovie... and she's never seen Sesame Street. It's just that cute of a toy. I'll be remembering this for any future 1 year old parties we may be attending. Super cute!

Lovie's looking at me and my fat arms are wrapped around a beloved Monchichi doll. When I was about 6, Monchichi dolls were all the rage and I loved mine so stinkin' much. I still have it (in storage)! This was gifted from my BFF cousin. It's going to be hard for me to let Lovie play with it. ; ) 

The cake. Honest to god, this is what I got the most compliments on - next to Lovie's adorableness and good nature, of course. I got the cake from Costco. It serves 48 people. I think there were 50 at the party. Everyone had at least one piece and so many people expressed how great it was and asked where I got it from. The best part (because I'm a cheapass) is that it cost $16.99. (Let's not discuss that apparently the cake decorator thought Sabrina is spelled with and "e" and quickly added a dot above the "e" "i".)

My girl. She loves her some cake.

Lovie had a blast and made it through three hours of complete chaos without any type of crying or screaming. She's seriously a rock star baby. There were several people there that hadn't yet met her and so many of them commented on how "good" she is and asked if she was always like this. "Yes," was my reply. "She's a great kid; we're very, very blessed."

And that girl. She's very very loved. It really and truly warmed my heart so much to see the turnout of all our family. And the love they poured over my Lovie. I ordered a customized book for her 1st birthday and I had every guest sign the covers. Today, I read over what people wrote and ... wow. My Lovie is a really lucky girl.

Not as lucky as I am thought cuz I get to be Her Momma- the best title ever stowed upon me.


  1. It looks so fun and lovie looks like a queen!
    I am glad it was a great time!

  2. It looks like Lovie had a great party! I'm sure everyone had a great time. You did a great job with everything!

    (Rylie has the seahorse aka "Night Night Baby" and STILL sleeps with it every night.)

  3. It looks like the perfect party! And Lovie eating the cake is too cute!

  4. awe, happy birthday cutie pie! love that shot with her reaching for the cake! and how hilarious she has three seahorses! corbin got three ride on toys for christmas!!!


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