
January 3, 2011

the goods

this is probably not a big deal to a lot of folk, but to me it is.

i created that there invite. completely on my own. i scoured websites looking for the perfect invite to lovie's 1st birthday party, but didn't see anything perfect. but looking at all the different designs definitely inspired me to come up with my final. and i really freakin love it. especially the NONpink colors- and the fact that i was able to get 50 of them printed at Costco for $15!

but not as much as i love the thank you's below.

omg. how perfect is this? that face, those eyes, the cake, the shirt, the colors... pop, pop, POP! eek, i really love em! and printing them to vistaprint enabled me to get 20 for a mere $15 because of some coupons. i don't even think i could buy those generic THANK YOU cards prepackaged for that little money.

cheap and adorable. just like me (cheap) and my lovie (adorable). ha! a new blog, perhaps? i wonder if it's taken... just checked and it's not... until now! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

happy monday!


  1. The invites were cute, but yes, those Thank You cards are ADORABLE!

    OK...this blog was my first stop on my quest to catch up with everyone because I HAVE to see how Lovie's party was. I'm off to check out those posts now.

    Happy New Year!

  2. LOVE!!! Those are the best thank you notes ever!


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