
October 29, 2010


10 months ago...

10 months ago I was holding a 7 hour old baby girl in my arms.

Or I was breastfeeding...or talking to her...or maybe I was trying to sleep...or, most likely, I was trying to really believe it was all happening and I was finally a momma.

My Lovie is 10 months old today. My sweet baby doll.

I think I'm gonna try a blog hop today as I really need some new blogs to read and follow so let's go for it!

The Mommy Madness theme this week is to post a pic of you in Mommy Madness mode. That would've definitely come from last weekend when I took Lovie to a baby shower and had to keep her entertained and away from the presents, etc. It was an exhausting day but no pics of me in action (praise!). So this one below will have to do:

Why would I put a pretty nice pic of my sweet angel in the pool (taken back in very early June, btw) as I hold her as my Mommy Madness pic?? Because it's pretty crazy that I'm posting this, number 1. And number 2, it's pretty damn insane that I even got my fat arse into a swimsuit in public, yo! Talk about madness! Heh.

Happy Friday, Happy Weekend, Happy Halloween!


  1. Hi! I'm following you from this week's Friday Follower blog hop. Please follow back if you have a chance:

  2. You crack me up. I love your picture. She is adorable!! Thanks for joining in the hop! I'm following you back. :D Hope you'll continue with us next week. I'm looking forward to reading your blog!!



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