
June 29, 2010

"I really like your baby"

It's another emotional day today.

My sweet baby doll is 6 months old.

That's right, Lovie's 1/2 a year old and you best not mess with her! : )

That picture makes me literally laugh out loud every single time I see it. She's just too badass looking in it not to laugh.

Here's a few more from the big photo shoot.

I made the tutu myself and it was so simple and so unlike me. I'm not girly girl. I hate frilly shit. And big flowered headbands. And bows and crap. So I don't dress Lovie like that... normally.  But I knew I wanted to make a big effing deal about her Half Birthday so I ordered the 1/2 onsie and made a tutu. At least there's black in the tutu!

She's even wearing this outfit at school today (though I did bring a pair of shorts in case the tutu becomes too much), which is why I took these photos this past Sunday.

And as if I wasn't all verklempt about my itty bitty baby doll Lovie celebrating her HALF Birthday, as I was leaving her at daycare and held the door open for another mom and her two kids- a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy (I'm guessing on the ages)- the girl looks up at me and says, "I really like your baby" with the sweetest little smile.

I was so shocked and so incredibly touched! I said, "Thank you. I do too!" and left the school with tears leaving my eyes.


  1. I LOVE that onesie! She does look tough in that first picture! : )
    Happy 6 months!

  2. Lovie looks GORGEOUS! Pie will have her 1/2 bday in two weeks. I can't believe the time has gone by so quickly. I like your baby too!

  3. I do like that one taken from above. Good perspective! One day she's going to laugh at how angry she looks in these!

  4. Too cute!! I made a tutu too, but it's way too big. It's almost bigger than Babygirl herself! Happy 1/2 birthday Lovie!!!

  5. Your baby girl is so precious!!! I love the 1/2 year celebration. such a cute tradition!!!

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  6. She is soooo pretty!!! She reminds me of my Remi.


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