
November 7, 2014

year of the princess

One week ago today, we got our first snow of the season. On Halloween.

"Remember when it snowed on Halloween?"

Lovie went as Elsa, of course, to school. Here's a picture of her hair after she'd already changed out of her Elsa dress:

I took ivory yarn and braided into her hair. Looks kind of crappy but she was over the moon to have such a long braid for a day.

When we got home after school, in the dark because SNOW, Lovie changed into her trick or treating costume:

It's funny because she begged us for this costume before last Halloween but ended up going as a pirate then. And this year, despite the Elsa/Frozen craze, she insisted upon Rapunzel.

Honestly, I think it's that it involved wearing a super long hair piece.

Despite the cold, despite the SNOW, we made it to the couple of streets we've been ToTing on for years now and had a good time.


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