
July 18, 2014

week two of Montessori

It's the end of the second week of Montessori and things are still progressing amazingly well. It's truly surreal how easy a transition this has been and I feel so immensely blessed as a result.

We did our research before choosing this school. We visited several other schools in the area, though I admit the one she's in is the only Montessori school we visited. Still, we knew it would be a good fit. In fact, we discussed how it was as if the school (Montessori) had been made for Lovie.

And so far we are right. It's a great fit.

The first four days of the program (last week), Lovie, age 4.5, spent with the toddlers and 3-6 year olds because it's the summer program and enrollment isn't as full as it is during regular school year. (During the regular school year, Montessori schools group the children in three year gaps: 15 months-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12. They do this because Maria Montessori discovered that children thrive from interacting, socializing, and learning from each other [in a nutshell-- there are GOBS of videos and stories on this to prove the theory].)  She seemed happy with it for the most part and was even falling asleep during rest time. She made a friend, a 6 year old girl, who was in the "bigger kid" class, but she talked about doing things in the younger class and reports from her teacher were really great.

Then (last) Friday when I picked her up, Lovie came running out to me with all smiles and her teacher told me she had spent the day with the older classroom- and loved it. Honestly, I wasn't too surprised because she really does know a lot already and she gravitates more toward older children. That's part of the reason we wanted to move her out of daycare/preschool (where she spent the last six months in the Kindergarten class). I was, however, surprised the move happened within the first week, but assumed maybe it was just a trial.

But then on Monday after Taye dropped her off, he called me and told me the teacher called after him before he left and gave him Lovie's pillow and blanket because "she won't be needing them anymore" since "they don't take naps" in the bigger kid classroom. Apparently, they moved her in there for good and that's where's she been all week!

The first couple days of the week were a bit rough upon pickup because of the absolutely no nap thing. Her attitude when I picked her up was short. She'd snap at me for the sun shining too brightly on her. I didn't take it personally as I knew she was exhausted and I know how I get when I'm too tired. The past couple of evenings have been much better as far as her attitude when I pick her up. She's not as short with me. In fact, things are wonderful and calm and really, really nice! She's so incredibly happy ALL the time. She wakes up with a smile, she goes to sleep with a smile, she bathes with a smile...

On top of all this, being with the older kids and not napping has resulted in an incredibly easy bedtime routine. Finally! The kid is exhausted come bedtime and has been falling asleep by 8:30 all week (opposed to the 9, 9:30, or even 10PM [even though her bedtime is always consistently at 8--TV off at 7-7:30])! And because Taye takes her to school now, she can sleep in as late as she wants (usually up by 7, 7:30 max).

So week two of Montessori has been fantastic! Lovie's super excited about her notebook at school, along with all that she does with the big kids (and that she's not a napper anymore, of course), and I'm super excited because the transition has been an awesome one and she's back to falling asleep before me in the evenings!


  1. Wow. This makes me think I should look into Montessori for Oliver. He hasn't napped regularly in over a year (he's 4.5 too) and always has to be quiet and wait for the other kids to settle in for nap time. I know he's bored. Plus everything has to be done as a group so I'm sure he'd get into routine with older kids quickly, given the chance. He recently made friends with an 8 year old girl in the neighborhood...

    1. I've heard of Montessori before but honestly, I used to think only rich kids went there. I really don't even know why I thought this... other than they always seemed so private and unique opposed to public school or daycare. Anyway, now that I've been in the thick of it for several week, I just can't stop loving it. I actually get upset at times because it angers me that not all children get this experience. I mean, the "teachings" in Montessor-- the way it's done, etc-- it sincerely makes SO MUCH SENSE.

      But attending is not cheap. And I know you have a new one coming soon too. If you have Montessori, I would look into it at least-- if you have the time and energy. I think you'll know from your visit if it's for you guys. We toured several private (Catholic) schools as well as this one Montessori and we just knew it was perfect. And it really really is.

      I could go on and on about this, but I'll save it for blog posts. If you have any questions or anything, let me know.


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