
May 13, 2014

easy DIY flowers the kid can do

Even though I was extremely disappointed Friday when I picked Lovie up from school and found no Mother's Day "gift"-- not even a "Happy Mother's Day!" from anyone-- I still managed to have her create something for her grandmothers.

We didn't have a lot of time and I'm not really the crafitiest of people out there but we still did something... and I was super pleased with the results:

It's a card made from a thick piece of construction paper folded in half. On the outside I wrote HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY and then I wrote a note that Lovie dictated. On the inside, Lovie hand wrote her name (and mine) opposite the craft: a vase holding flowers. All made with construction paper.
  • I took three pieces of different colored paper and drew a bunch of different sized circles on them. 
  • Then I gave the paper to Lovie and had her cut out the circles. 
  • Then she took a big circle and dabbed some glue on it and covered the glue with a smaller, different colored cirlce; dabbed some glue on that circle and covered it with an even smaller, different colored circle. 
  • Once our flower heads were made, we glued them on to green pieces of construction paper folded and made to look like stems.
  • The vase is another piece of paper cut out to look like a vase and glued on the sides and bottom. So the flowers are actually removable! : )


1 comment:

  1. Totally cute! Sorry you had to brainstorm and assist your own Mother's Day card, though.


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