
April 15, 2013

the Spring in my heart

“I see some flowers!” I shout while pointing out of the car's passenger side window to Lovie in the back seat. “There’s some more! Do ya see them?”
“Yeah! I see the flowers! I love flowers, Mama!”
“I know baby,” I smile.

 “I love Spring!” she giggles.

“Me too, baby.”


from last April- outside of Oma's house

I wasn’t always a fan of Spring. To me, it’s kind of ugly. Everything is generally dirty looking with specks of brightness from the new flowers. Until those flowers bloom though… yuck. Plus I hate warm(er) weather. I’m happy with 60 or below. But with Lovie’s excitement and wonderment of “is it still Spring today?”, I can’t help but get excited when I see some flowers sprouting out amidst the funk of Winter's closing. I can’t help but to fall in love with Spring.

Besides all that, Spring is was Oma’s favorite time of  year. She loved the flowers. The trees. The grass. The birds chirping. She loved every bit of Spring. And so does Lovie. And, honestly, I can’t even explain how happy that makes me.
It’s little moments like this when I have to wonder if Lovie wasn’t given to me to help me through this time in life; she reminds me SO much of my Oma. Always has.
I’m so very lucky to have her.
I'm so very lucky to have had them both.

hooking this up with Yeah Write


  1. Aww! That makes it even more special. I'm a big fan of spring - and autumn. Even winter. I hate humid summers :Z

  2. we carry on with pieces of them that are all around us... now spring has more beauty for you. so sweet - and love the flower jacket too!

  3. I have mixed feelings about spring. Something about the abundance and the expectation and the overwhelm of it all makes me a little nauseated. NEver heard anyone say they didn't like it. I appreciate this post and HOW CUTE YOUR IS LITTLE ONE????

  4. I generally think of spring as "that muddy time of year" but with a kid who loves to be outside it just takes on a whole new feeling of freedom. Glad Lovie was able to be your spring sunshine!

  5. Spring is the mud season here but it dries to something quite exquisite. Your girl is adorable!

  6. Love this photo and the story that goes along with it- made me smile :)

  7. I love spring when everything smells so fresh. It starts off dreary and then suddenly everything is green.

  8. I'm so glad that, rather than viewing spring with bitterness, you've chosen to embrace a season that you once disliked. What a sweet way to bond with Lovie and honor Oma.

  9. I love spring, but only as a relief from winter, which I hate. I love the way you tied your feelings about the season to Lovie's and to your Oma. Great post.

  10. I love spring and like Lovie I love flowers. What I love this time of year is that I can cut blooming flowers for the house without having to buy them. I'm not a flower gardener, I stick with vegetables. So I love having those azaleas pop out.

  11. I love spring because it means summer's on the way. One of the most special parts of having kids for me was getting to see everything again through their excited eyes.

  12. That post was warm and fuzzy like spring :)

  13. What a cutie she is, and super stylish in that jacket. I love when you write about the connection from Oma to you to Lovie. You have such special relationships with them both. I hope that, once the pain of your loss subsides, you are left with only beautiful and happy memories.

  14. She couldn't be cuter! Here's to the healing and joy Spring can bring!

  15. Spring! I have a sick love for every season, but in my youth I particularly hated spring. Your connection through the generations is well done, the energy is blooming. Raincoats, cuties, and lilacs.

  16. My favorite part about spring is that it's not winter any more. This was a really sweet, touching piece.

  17. Lovely thought - that our kids's preferences are there to remind us or just make us see the beauty we somehow miss.

  18. Spring is usually wet and unpleasant in CA, but this year it's been lovely and fresh - I get what you're saying. :)

  19. This was such a sweet post and what an adorable girl!


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