
April 4, 2013

super cute, fun, easy DIY baby shower invites

My BFF (cousin) in the whole world is expecting a baby in mid-June. Her first. She's older, like me, (she's six months older at 41 nah nah!) and ridiculously excited for this baby. No, I mean like she-sent-me-a-handmade-card-with-a-photo-of-the-4-D-image-of-the-baby's-face-and-poem excited.
I knew as soon as I found out she was knocked up that I wanted to throw her a shower. Problem is that she's in Jersey City and I'm in Chicago and she's not coming back this way before baby is born. So I got together with her in-laws who are throwing her a shower in Pennsylvania and together, we're throwing showers on the same day. The one in Chicago will just be done without the Mama-to-Be in attendance... though she will be there via Skype (I hope this works out as I've never Skyped before).
I had my own ideas before putting these together... I was going with either cupcakes or ballerina because my girly girl cousin (so unlike me) loves cupcakes and dance. But then the in-laws were talking about doing a bee theme because my BFF bought some sort of bee bedding for the babee. ;) So I went with that. And am so glad. I mean, HOW CUTE ARE THESE?

This was SO easy to do and I think I even saved some money.

  • I created the invite text with bugs on all for free and printed in only black on printer at work (free).
  • I picked up soft pink, heavy card stock at Michaels for like $.69 a sheet. Each sheet is cut in half length wise then folded. So... 2 invites per sheet.
  • I picked up the yellow paper from Hobby Lobby for like $.40 a sheet. Again, each sheet is cut in half both horizontally and vertically so I got 4 invite inserts to each sheet.
  • I picked up 3D stickers with bugs and flowers from Hobby Lobby for like $3.50 a package (x 3 packages) and placed a couple on to each outside of the card.
  • I picked up a pack of 25 envelopes from Hobby Lobby for like $4, I think.
  • Washi tape (purchased online for $1 or so) is used to tape on the invite text paper on to the card stock.
  • Glue stick (to adhere a little from what the Washi tape isn't holding).


  1. I could have used this idea last month! Will definitely be bookmarking for next time :)

  2. Mid-June? Like what day? Craziness. I'm due June 19th, but I am devoted on getting this baby out before then. ;o)


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