
March 27, 2013

enough already!

I admit to being totally and completely oblivious to worldly shit, let alone stuff going on in my own homeland... but thanks to Facebook, and an image I saw any time I logged on yesterday, I learned that the US Courts were going to look at legalizing gay marriage yesterday.

Then I came across this image, also on Facebook:

And really, that says it all for me.

Because, if things were like they were just 40 years ago, my Lovie wouldn't be here today.

And why? Because it would've been illegal for her dad and I to marry and have her?!

What the hell kind of shit sense does that make?

What does my relationship status have to do with you, your cousin, or your fancy uncle sitting on the Supreme Court?

It very well can be the fact that I'm watching and waiting for one of the most important people in my life to pass on... but life is too fucking short to not allow people to love whom they want to love when their love isn't negatively effecting anyone else.

It just doesn't make any sense as to why this is even an issue. I understand there's laws and shit, but ... enough already! When two consenting adults love one another, let them love one another. Let them marry if that's what they want to do. Let them have children. Let them love. And live. Because one day that life will end... and it's just not right if they can't look back and say they lived their life to the fullest because of a fucking law.

it's been a while but hooking this bitch up with the fine folks at Yeah Write. because i can!


  1. I totally agree. And your Lovie is just beautiful.

  2. Yes! Yes! and yes! Thank you!

  3. BOOM! You said it. And your voice and your perspective are so powerful. I can't imagine life without Lovie-- the daughter of an internet blogger that I admire! Boom!

  4. The tide has turned on this issue and it's only a matter of time before the legal system catches up. I'd like to see the Court issue a ruling on the core issue but based upon the justice's comments yesterday, it looks like they'll just make a narrow ruling that supports the lower court rulings declaring Prop 8 is unconstitutional. So "we keep on waiting, waiting for the world to change."

  5. Amen to every word! Thank you!

  6. Lovie is a beautiful little girl and you and your husband are so blessed to have her in your lives. And thankfully, you were not born into a time when things were so unjust just because of one's skin tone.

  7. Sigh, I get so tired of seeing hate and protesting...just let people love, like you said.

  8. You said it! I'm from the SF area (but moved two years ago) and I have trouble stomaching why this is even a discussion. Some days it doesn't feel like 2013. I'm glad you were able to marry your love and have Lovie (so cute!). I would like everyone to be able to do that.

  9. Hey, glad to see you, mama!

    And I agree completely. Any consenting adult should be free to marry any other consenting adult. Yep.

  10. Totally agreed, esp about the looking back at the end of life. As long as no one is harmed it should be private. Same-sex-marriage is legal since years over here, luckily!

  11. This is amazing, and you are so right about the future. I am the mother of 2 teenagers, and this is totally a nin issue to them. They can't ubderstand why anyone cares who people sleep with or live with. Opponents of gay marriage and other civil right already look atupid to them, just imagine what my grandkids will think some day.

  12. My S.O. was recently killed in Tibet (his native country) basically for being Tibetan. Douglas Adams wrote about the time setting of one of his "Hitchhiker" novels as (not a direct quote)...nearly 2000 years after they decided to nail some guy to a tree for saying we should be nice to each other... People just need to be nicer to each other, what's so hard about that?

  13. I love every word of this post.

  14. You have made a good post and point. Thanks.

  15. That was the first time I saw that particular facebook picture. That's a good one!

    I really don't understand what the problem is. I know people don't like what they don't understand, but honestly, what is there not to understand about two people loving each other?

    Absurdity. You nailed it.

  16. I love how you kept this post short and sweet. It goes to show that arguing for what is right shouldn't take a bunch of words.

  17. I can totally relate to this, as I am in an inter-racial marriage and have 2 beautiful children. My brother is also gay, so I feel even closer to the issue. Thank you for this post, it really hit home!

  18. AMEN! A freaking MEN!


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