
January 21, 2013

tiny dancer

Lovie took her very first ballet class on Saturday.

She loved it.

We weren't allowed in the room and there was only one tiny two-way mirror for people to leer into but the place was jam packed with people so it was really hard to get a view. Taye had a good view so he took some video.

Any time I was able to peek in, I felt was so proud. She watched with such interest and tried following all instructions.

My big girl.

Afterward, we grabbed some lunch, changed clothes, and went to see YO GABBA GABBA live. More on that awesomeness later.


  1. A little girl in my child care goes to ballet class too. She talks about it all the time!

  2. Love it! I'm so excited for you guys. I was possibly the world's worst ballerina when I was little but I have such fond memories of it.

    Hooray for Lovie snd what a big girl she is.

  3. Too cute!! There is just something about little girls in leotards. She's grown up so much!


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