
January 25, 2013

TILTW: 1.19-1.25.13

* Three is a really awesome age so far, but also very, very trying at times (bed times, morning times, getting dressed times, when I blink wrong times...). Oy vey.

* I still hate potty training and have admitted to being jealous of those of you with potty trained kids. You can read more about that here.

* Hospice is now coming to my grandmother's house.

* My kid is THE cutest Tiny Dancer.

* Yo Gabba Gabba is so much fun live. I mean, so much fun. Wow. I know a lot of parents aren't keen on "kid music" and stuff, but YGG should be an exception. Really.

* I desperately need to break up with M&M's.

* Lovie's hair keeps some length after a couple of days of it being in twists. Fun! :)


  1. Number two! Number twooooo!!! Potty training is all kinds of awful.

  2. Did I miss the sarcasm in the statement about Yo Gabba Gabba?? Please tell me it was there and I just missed it! ;-)

    1. no sarcasm whatsoever. i LOVE YGG. probably more than my kid. definitely more than her. and i'm not ashamed!

  3. Her hair is getting long- and the longer it gets the straighter(ish) it will stay-did you try the little braids-how about smaller pieces of hair with the little rubber bands on them. OH, well, she's adorable anyway. I remember wen my youngest daughter was 3 she had long wavy auburn hair and I fixed it different everyday. The preschool teacher told me that seeing her hair-do was the highlight of the day. Gosh, I miss that stuff-soak it it for you and Lovie!beebee


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