
January 18, 2013

TILTW: 1.12-1.18.13

Lovie's a good patient for the doctor at age 3. Much better than at 2 when she was stuck to me like Velcro. She weighs 31 pounds and is 37 inches tall (39 if you add her hair, heh).

Lovie starts ballet tomorrow. Ballet. My little lovebug. In a leotard, tights, and of course, ballet slippers. She's so excited. Especially about the slippers. And the ballet.

Speaking of ballet slippers, don't get the ones sold at Target or Walmart with the tights and leotards they have set up to make it seem like it's all legit stuff needed for dance class. Those slippers are SLIPPERS. Like for the house. Get the kid real ballet slippers so people don't laugh at you both. Fortunately I made this realization before it was too late and ordered a pair of real ballet slippers from AllAboutDance (free shipping on all US orders, yo!).

Ann Sather is the most amazing place on earth to have breakfast. If you're ever in Chicago, you absolutely must have the world's most amazing cinnamon buns.

Or better than that, have their French Toast Fantasy, made from their cinnamon buns...

My life will never be the same.

1 comment:

  1. I love your reports on your little girl-keep them-you will read them and cry when she is grow-even a teen-i recorded my last three pregnancies in word and am so glad, beebee


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