
November 3, 2012

day 3 NaBloPoMo: change

I think it's official.

I think my little lovebug is over snuggles in bed with mommy and daddy on weekend mornings. :( Now she insists on watching TV on the big TV (in the living room). It kinda sucks. I loved the snuggles. There was a time when I used to dream of snuggling in bed with my family on weekend mornings. And then when she was about a year old, that came true (she wasn't into watching TV prior to then). It was beautiful. And warm. And just awesome.

But now she wants no part of it.

She's getting so big...This year has been full of so much growth, it's kind of crazy to me.

She's still my little Lovie- always will be. She still loves to snuggle. We have so much fun together almost all the time. I love it all, I love her. I love my life.

But the weekends are changing. Life is changing. She's changing.


  1. It's tough, isn't it? I know that with change we always lose something but gain something in what comes next. I know that, but it doesn't keep me from resisting the change and wanting to stop it.

  2. Aw dangit, these kids! They just grow and grow and there's nothing we can do about. On the other hand, there are new and cool things about them with each age and stage. So just enjoy wherever she's at!

  3. I love to snuggle with my kids too, and when my daughter is home (she's almost 22) she still will. It will come back around, I promise! She's just at that age which is so full of excitement over everything! Still doesn't make it easy, I know!

  4. Awww... Prior to having kids people would say, "They grow up so fast" and I'd private think, "Yes. And water is also wet. Cool. But not remarkable in such a way that you need to keep repeating the fact over and over." But now I *totally* get it. You blink and all of a sudden your kid has grown out of something or moved on.

  5. Yes -- snuggling is the best! I'm still in the snuggle stage. I love working part time right now and not going in until 11:30 am because I get extra snuggling time. But, I'm sure watching my little ones growing up will be good too. And, if you really need a snuggle buddy, I make an excellent little spoon. :)

  6. Maybe it's my glass of wine -- but reading about snuggling with Lovie gave me a lump in my throat. I so used to love to crawl in bed on cold mornings with my boys before I woke them up for school. They grow up too fast. Seven or eight is about as old as you can get away with it with sons. I still have my sixth grade girl, she's my last snuggle bunny.

  7. As the weather cools, I start to miss when my little man was just a baby and would nap on my chest. I loved having him so close, plus he made a fantastic heater. And, of course, we never realize how precious some of these moments are until they pass.

  8. My 2 year old is so independent that she stopped snuggling as soon as she could walk. Her form of snuggling now is flailing around wildly on my lap or beside you on the couch until I get annoyed at the constant bruising and tell her to get down. I'm soaking up the snuggles with my 11-week-old because I know they won't last.

  9. No! Say it ain't so! Can;t you make snuggling a prerequisite to watching TV???


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