
November 13, 2012

day 12 (late) NaBloPoMo: potty chair

It's 3:45 in the morning. I'm nearly four hours late in posting for day 12 of NaBloPoMo. I have good reason though, I swear.

Sunday night I went to bed feeling a horrible pit in my stomach. At 1AM, I was up and in the bathroom until about 3:30AM with stuff coming out of both ends of me- simultaneously.

Thank goodness for Lovie's potty chair!

The last time I puked was at 9:30 in the morning yesterday. It was a rough, rough day. I had a small fever all day and just couldn't really move out of bed.

At 8PM last night, I finally was able to eat something more than a saltine.And here I am at 3:45 in the morning, sitting down in front of the computer for the first time in days.

So glad I got that flu shot earlier last month. ;D

1 comment:

  1. I'm not laughing. I've been there. Toilet and trash can and yes, unfortunately, toilet and potty seat. And one time, the wrong end's contents wound up in the baby seat. Ahem.

    Glad you can get down more than crackers now.


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