
August 20, 2012

too soon Monday

I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a homebody.

Maybe it's because I work full time outside of the home, maybe it's because I'm a lazy fuck. Whatever the reason, I thoroughly enjoy weekends when we have little planned.

This past weekend was anything but...

Saturday we took Lovie to gymnastics where I realized that 2.5 is the age to start such a class. She absolutely loves participating and learning and listening to the teachers. Watching her follow along to instructions is just so awesome to experience. There's lots of I can't do it!'s but that's always followed by excited, I did it!!'s.

She plays hard and then naps hard.

After her nap following lunch after gymnastics, Lovie and I headed out to a birthday party for a one year old boy of a friend of mine. We spent several hours there and Lovie, again, had a great time. She's just so happy and awesome. I just adore watching her interact with others.

enough already. where's MY piece of cake?

Noon yesterday (Sunday), we headed out to my cousin's house an hour and half away for another party (for my cousin's 5 year old). Lovie napped in the car and when asked if she was ready for another party, she popped her eyes open and out we went into the backyard for the rest of the day.

Despite lots of bugs and bees everywhere, a great time was had.

When we got home, it was already bedtime but I did let her watch one Little Einsteins episode (this kid is addicted to TV!).

After a couple books, it was lights out for Lovie, and soon me.

And now it's Monday. Already. That's why I like staying home and doing whatever, whenever most weekends... Mondays seem to take a bit longer getting here than when we're super busy.


  1. Oh my goodness! That picture of her poking her head out of the tent.....she looks JUST like you! Soo cute!

  2. Ahhh! I love that pic in the circus tent!

    And too cute with the little girly afro :) Her hairstyles are awesome.


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