
May 18, 2012

TILTW: 5/12-5/18

Sometimes the easiest recipes are the tastiest. Maybe not the healthiest, but the tastiest nonetheless. I made a Dump Cake on Saturday to bring over to my mom and grandmother's for our Mother's Day celebration. (My 12 year nephew, 5 year old great niece, 22 year old niece, my BIL, mom, grandmother, and husband all *loved* this. You're welcome.) Its recipe was beyond easy:

* 2 cans pie filling (cherry for us)
* 1 package cake mix (yellow or white, I've been told)
* butter to drizzle
* a pan to dump it all in (I picked up a disposable roasting pan from the Dollar Tree for ... $1, and it was the perfect size)

Preheat your oven to 350, dump the pie filling in the pan (absolutely no need to grease the pan first), shake all the cake mix on top of the filling, drizzle melted butter on top (this gives the cake mix some crunch so the more butter you use, the more crunch; I used a whole stick- that was probably too much), bake till the top gets a little brown... till it looks and smells done (about half an hour). Let cool and serve. Does not need to be refrigerated if there's any left.

While I love going to the park when it's dead empty, my Lovie does not. She loves going to "play wif my friends" (even though she doesn't know any of these "friends" half the time) and if we go and there's nobody else there, she'll want to leave within minutes (which is usually fine by me when it's after work).

I absolutely love watching her interact with kids. The other day, a little boy came up to her and she smiled and said, "Hey, you wanna play in da sand wif me?" And they sat down and played together for a while. She's so rad. It was a fear of mine that she would be too much like me (unsocial)- especially since she's an only child. That's why going the daycare center route has been super beneficial; she's really learned how to socialize from the get go and hopefully this will stick with her for life.

I enjoyed feeling "normal" this week and most of last week and am terrified of next week and the week after. Fortunately I have a doctor's appointment set up for the 29th when I should be deep in my insanity before getting my period. Drugs. Let us all pray for drugs to help me get through half of the month.


  1. Isn't it so funny how at this age EVERYONE is their friend?? I'm super shy, and although my son is like me in that regard, I can already tell Mia is going to be like my husband...outgoing, social and will do ANYTHING to make someone laugh! :)

    That cake sounds great!

    Have a great weekend! :)

    1. it's hysterical. we pull up to the park and she's all, "hey there's all my friends." or if it's empty, "i don't see my friends. where day go?" haha i love it.

  2. I love this post! It's all so true. First off, that cake sounds so good and I've had the ingredients hanging around to make a dump cake, but I haven't done one cause I know I'll eat it all. I need a place to go first! :)

    And the friendship aspect is so awesome. Mine is the same way and I love it. Thanks for stopping by my place, and happy to come here and read such a perfect post!

    1. aw thanks- glad you stopped by. and yes, make the cake ONLY if you *have* to share it or you will eat lots and lots. :)

  3. My mother made this cake, except hers had pecans on top and was called "I Hate to Bake Cake." I liked to make it back in college and eat the whole thing myself with a spoon.

    You're not crazy. PMS can be that bad! I learned this the hard way, but still haven't actually sought medical treatment. Looking forward to seeing whether you find something that works.

  4. Oh wow, that recipe sounds awesome!

  5. Oooooh, dump cake is SO good. Your little one sounds absolutely lovely.


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