
March 5, 2012

Rubbish-ticle Listicle

Rubbish... Rubbish... oh how I adore the word "Rubbish." :)

10 things I'm Rubbish at include ....

Leaving my kid. I adore being with her and get enough time away from her when I’m at work so scheduling something during my off time from work that doesn’t include her by my side just doesn’t appeal to me… no matter how good it might be for me.

Eating healthy. No matter how much I know most foods I eat aren’t good for me, I can’t stop eating them... even if I want to!

Staying up to date with current events. The news generally depresses me and I’ve found that since becoming a mom, I’ve become even more emotionally reactive to all sorts of stories. So I tend to steer very clear of any current events.

Cleaning the toilet and litter box. I can wipe my girl’s bottom just fine, but I absolutely refuse to clean the toilet or litter box. Thank goodness the husband does it (usually after I beg) or ... blech!

Competing with others. It’s too tiring to be in constant competition with others, trying to constantly one up everyone. I’m more than content with who I am and don’t feel the need to keep up with anyone (other than my 2 year old).

Dressing myself. I just don’t give a shit about my appearance. I’m fat, not much is flattering on me, I have big boobs I try to hide unsuccessfully. So I just wear whatever as long as it’s (pretty) clean. (I do fully admit that this is one thing I would change and hope to change once I come into some extra money and lose some weight. I'm not a fan of looking like a slob; I do tend to feel better when I feel as if I'm dressed "nicer.")

Shopping. I hate it. I hate the crowds, I hate looking at a bunch of shit I can’t afford. I’d much rather sit my fat ass in front of the computer and do my shopping that way.

Socializing. Holy hell is this the number one thing I’m rubbish at. I’m as awkward as they come when it’s time to socializing in person… even if it’s with people I’m comfortable with (except my husband).

Remembering. I have a shit memory. It saddens me sometimes when people talk about their youth, their past and have these awesome stories and I have very few and the things I do remember aren’t funny- or fun- for that matter.

Holding my liquor. It’s pathetic, really. I get buzzed really fast and then want to do nothing but sleep. And if I keep drinking, I’ll start puking. So I just don’t drink.


  1. You're so sensible w. no. 10! All of them are great - I'm so glad you're no good at leaving your kid, too. (-: Love your list.

    1. i had to chuckle at "sensible"! it took me like 15 years of heavy drinking to realize it's best to just not drink. ;)

  2. I am with you on so many of these. I have not been shopping or watched news in the past ten years. That is what Google and Amazon are for :) And I only click on the news about saving whales and cute puppies... feel good stuff!

    1. it stinks cuz just when you think you can catch a "feel good" story, they slap you in the face with something awful.

  3. I'm totally with you on the current events. You know how I found out about the tornado action? FaceBump, that's how.
    And socializing? I'm terrible. I usually over-drink to compensate and then make an ass of myself. I've finally figured out that it's better if I just avoid parties.

    1. that's how i found out about the tornados too!! and then i felt like a huge a-hole! :(

  4. So many of these are so true and amazing and almost so normal I hardly recognize them. But I see your list and nod up and down, down and up. I have no idea what's happening in the world most of the time, I hate leaving my minis, eating healthy and cleaning the litter box:) It's a great list thanks for sharing them with us!

  5. I love the competing with others one! It is entirely TOO tiring to try...I gave it up and it only took me...well, it took me a long time but I think once I finally became a mom it clicked...keeping up with a baby and others' opinion? Too much!

    1. oh it took me a long time, too... and sometimes i still get caught up but nothing like before thankfully. :)

  6. I hate shopping, too. I don't do well in crowds. Christmas shopping is a form of medieval torture for me.

    1. haha it really is!! thank GOODNESS for the internet!! :)

  7. Ah, not sure you want to be good at drinking LOL! Great list :)

  8. Love your list. Shopping, argh, Dressing myself, I leave early in the morning I'm just glad I remember to wear pants. I actually made it to work one day only to realize I had my shirt on inside out-the whole packed subway ride in. good times.

  9. I have a terrible memory too. Someone I had met once (only once, in y defense) walked up the other day and said, "hi Bridget" I just stared at him like a loser. Ugh!

  10. Hi!!!

    1. I want to be your friend.

    2. I also hate all the tragedy in the news & avoid it. I found out about "Occupy Wall Street" through Pinterest, when someone pinned a bunch of spoofs like "Occupy my bed" and "Occupy Wal Mart".

    3. I started ordering cleaning supplies through so I don't even have to go to Walgreens anymore. :)


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