
March 19, 2012

on being aToddler: the Listicle

Toddlers and little kids have always brought a smile to my face. Their innocence and pure joy over the simplest things make it hard not to smile. Since having one of my own, however, I've come to understand that being a toddler can be tough work, too!

10 Reasons Why Being a Toddler is Rough

10. People are constantly looking at you, commenting on how cute you are, asking questions about you (What’s your name? How old are you?).

09. People are constantly touching your hair, squeezing your cheeks, wanting to give you hugs and kisses.

08. When you go to a restaurant, the wait staff gives you crayons or maybe even a balloon.

07. People love listening to you just to hear your sweet voice.

06. People are always smiling and laughing with you when you're in good spirits, and pouty when you're not.

05. Your parents carry you around when you ask, “Carry you?” with a smile.

04. People change your diaper and wipe your butt all while singing songs or tickling you.

03. People make you food, serve it to you, and cut it all up, and when you say, “Halp you peas,” and hold your fork to your Mama, she will even feed you.

02. The only thing to watch on TV is Team Umizoomi and Bubble Guppies.

01. And the number one reason why being a toddler sucks… you’re still waiting on that bike that you want. The pink one.


  1. Girl go get her that damn bike already!!!

    1. i know, right?!? the H is killing me with his research!

  2. Loved your list. And so true! The pictures are just beyond cute! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Yup, it's a tough life! I especially like the one about being sung to whilst your tushie is being cleaned up. We have to sing with gusto at our house to distract the baby long enough to get a clean diaper on! Great list!

    1. we're SO fortunate on that one b/c she's only made changing her a wrestling match a small handful of times.

  4. Heck yes she is adorable! I would for sure want to touch the hair. I would pass on pinching the cheeks but I might wanna touch it :O) They are SOOOO soft!

  5. Lovie has it real though. I hope her life get's a bit easier when she get's the bike. Maybe she can ride away from the adoring crowds...

  6. Pink bike! Pink bike! My 4 and a half daughter wants a pink car! :) Hahaha Kids!

  7. Wow, she sure has a rough life! :)

  8. Ha ha ha her life sounds so rough! Almost as bad as my 2 year olds! :)


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