
March 6, 2012

Just be

We stopped off at the park yesterday, again, after work and school. It was sunny out, but cold- never reaching the 40s. Still, I thought why not take advantage of it being dry and sunny out?

The park we stopped at is on the way home; it's actually just off the expressway exit I take most days. It's a bit of a run down park, especially compared to the others we frequent, but I love how big it is. And empty. Especially when it's colder out.

This is about the third time we've stopped at this one. The first time was last year some time and I quickly discovered that it wasn't the best park for Lovie. But that was then and this is now. It's been a year and my kid rocks the playground these days. She's not intimidated by much of anything as far as playground equipment is concerned. And since this park has mulch down and not a lot of teenagers (shakes cane up in the air) around, I'm OK with letting her do own thing.

Nevertheless it was pretty kick ass to be witness to her making her way around yesterday. She climbed the metal (and cooooooold) curvy ladder thing up to a bridge with NO problems; she hesitated the first time a little and I did spot her but after that first climb, it was like she had done it forever. She walked up and down the bouncy bridge and sturdy bridge. She slid down every slide there- the one meant for littles like her (in photo), the medium sized one for kids a bit older, and the largest one meant for "big kids". The only thing I had to do was help her get up to the platform of the "big kid" slide because she doesn't have the upper body strength yet to hoist herself up- and the metal was DAMN cold. (You can see in that photo above that her hands are very red- bad mama!- because of how cold it was.)

When I was a kid (older than Lovie as I don't remember jack from when I was her age), I LOVED going to the park... I mean, what kid doesn't, right? Even so I loved it and think back fondly of my childhood park visits. But none of those memories include my mom. She just didn't really do much with me.

I hope that's different for Lovie. I hope I'm always in a place (free from work, physically capable, etc) to take her to the park if she wants....To see her face light up when she exclaims, "Ready? Goooo!" as she slides down the slides.... To watch her explore and climb and just be.

My goodness do I love watching this child just be.



  1. When my daughter was about 3 I was swinging her around in the air in a wide circle and she said, "Mommy, I be me and you be you." It just grabbed me and I never forgot it. Your post reminded me of that today. I love that last line of yours... it is so great to watch them 'be'.

    1. aww that's such a great memory. i'm glad i could spark that for you again.

  2. Just today I was at the park with my 2 y.o. and was amazed at how much more he can do in just 6 short months. It's such a time of amazing growth and discovery. I just love it. Your post reminded me to keep being present and involved. Your daughter is a lucky girl to have you for a mama.

    1. oh wow, thanks so much. :) i'm the lucky one, really.

  3. Funny, I don't remember my Mom doing much with us either. My Dad was always doing the 'fun' stuff with us. Taking us for nature walks, to the park, teaching us sports. I believe he shaped a lot of who I am as a Mother - very much unlike my own.

    I love taking a step back and watching my boys 'just be'. Sometimes that is when you learn the most about them.

    1. it's amazing because my mom today is a pretty rad grandmother so i'm just not sure what happened when i was a kid... i just don't think she was ready. :(

  4. Your daughter is going to have some great memories with her mom, rest assured.

    I wish I could have been that confident on the playground as a child. I could never quite get up the bravery to swing all the way across the monkey bars. (I was quite the chicken!)

    1. thanks, Katie.
      it's funny cuz while she's quite confident in her play, she's also so very cautious when trying new things. it's pretty amazing to watch her. and she's got SO much patience- especially for a 2 yo.

  5. There really is nothing like being there, being present for our kids, is there?

    1. oh gosh no; it's the absolute best. i wanna soak it all in- every second i can.

  6. She always looks like she's having so much fun! We went for the first time yesterday and I was counting the minutes until I could leave work and get over there!

    1. oh Lisa, park visits get to be SO MUCH more fun when they can do more and more on their own. you guys are gonna love it!

  7. Thank you! It's possible to be there and still let the children "just be." Watching them master different aspects of a park playground is its own type of milestone, isn't it? I love watching that too.

    1. i never thought Park visits would be this much fun- and then when i think about how much i enjoy it, i get a little sad about my childhood and wonder why my mom didn't feel the same. boo for thinking too much!

  8. Isn't it wonderful watching them grow?! And I love the last line. Great post.

    1. i love being a witness to it all; it's really the best thing. thanks for commenting.

  9. Awww :) I love this memory you just made with her.

  10. I don't much remember parks when I was tiny. I only remember when I was old enough to play with cousins and siblings. I HAVE seen my mom with my boy when he was small at the park and with ny nephews and I'm sad that I can't remember because I KNOW she was the same with us.

    ~The G is Silent

  11. There's no place quite a fun as the park, especially when there's some good friends along! Lovie looks like she's having a ball!


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