
December 2, 2011

Come play with me: 1

Today is special. I'm absolutely elated to present to you the first (of what I hope is many) Come Play With Me Guest Posts! And I couldn't think of a better way to kick this off than with my good friend, Lisa (or LOG) from the O'Gs!

Lisa's chosen to tell us about what she's looking forward to in 2012, and I just want to tell you all, right here and right now, that this chica is one fiercely strong mama of two beautiful toddlers- and her post proves why. Rather than focus on the negatives in her life, she's looking ahead to the good and really, only the good. Incredible, really.

Check it out for yourself:


Howdy!! I'm Lisa (or LOG, whichever) from The O'Gs.  I'm thrilled to be posting here at Christina's blog today.  Christina is a very good friend of mine and we've experienced some of the joy and heartache of being mamas together.  She guest posted for me back in October and I am happy to return the favor.

Welcome 2012!

So 2011 was a rough year for my family.   My father-in-law passed away in January.  My mom has gotten worse and worse.  The second half started looking up.  I got a new job, my husband got promoted.  However, I'm hoping that the "new year, new start" mantra will work for us in 2012.  So, here, for your reading pleasure, is what I am looking forward to in 2012.


The Bears being in the playoffs.  This will happen.

Getting together with family to remember my FIL.  This will be sad, it will be emotional, there will be tears.  But there will also be laughter, love, and happy stories.  Oh and alcohol.  Lots of alcohol.

Oh and Conan.  Because Conan is supposed to be here in January!!


The Bears winning the Super Bowl.  :)


My baby boy turning 3.  THREE YEARS OLD.  You read that right.  I will have a three year old in March.  I cannot even begin to wrap my head around THAT.

The beginning of Spring.  Hopefully.  It's Chicago.  You never know.


Easter.  Not because I'm religious, but because it will be the first major holiday gathering at my husband's grandmothers since the holidays.  And I love the family I married into.

Grilling!! This is usually when we start grilling on a regular basis.  And I love me some BBQ.


Our off-roading trip to Arkansas.

Mother's Day (which may or may not be a little sad, considering the very real possibility it will be my first without my mom).

The beginning of good weather (most likely, it's STILL Chicago).


Summer time.  Playing outside till 8 at night, long days, rolling around in the grass, playing at the park, going to the zoo.

Cocktails outside in the backyard after the kids go to bed.


The 4th. Celebrating with the family.

The heart of summer.  Days in the pool, the sprinkler.  Being outside even though its 95 degrees because dammit, my kids want to play in their kiddie pool.


Celebrating seven years with my husband (not married, just together).

Enjoying the remainder of summer with hopefully a little bit cooler of weather.


The start of football.


My birthday.

Our vacation to the east coast.



Our annual off road trip.

My baby girl turning TWO.  She just turned one, she can't turn TWO!!

My husband's birthday.

Halloween, and trick or treating and seeing my kids in their costumes.


Our 5th wedding anniversary.

Thanksgiving.   Turkey.  Food.  Lots of it.


The holiday season.

St. Nick's day.

Christmas and everything that goes with it.  It's the most magical time of the year, especially when you have two beautiful, amazing, wonderful kids to share it with.

I'm looking forward to a fresh start in 2012.  I'm looking forward to good times, happy times, fun times outweighing the bad and sad.  Here's to you, 2012.


Ack, I just adore that photo of Maggie and her brother PJ! : )

I implore you all to please visit Lisa's blog to get to know her a little better and get a better understanding for why I think she's one of the strongest women I know; please follow her blog to show some support (she may be strong, but we all need support in horrifically trying times in any way we can get!); and please...PLEASE keep her and her family in your thoughts this season as her mother literally loses her life to one of the most cruel, most disgusting, appalling diseases I've ever heard of- ALS.

Lisa, I love you and am honored to call you my friend.


  1. Girl, you have me in tears. I am honored to be your first guest poster. XOXO.

  2. Lisa looks like you have an awesome 2012 planned! That last pic of the goods is so cute!

  3. What a fab idea, to plan the next year. I'm barely able to plan the next week. I need to share that I'm a Packer fan, though - so, um good luck w/ that.
    Love that October is "REAL FALL." Uh huh!!

  4. You've got an amazing attitude after such a tough year. Here's to a happy 2012 for you and yours!

  5. That scares me to be talking about next fall already! Anyway, welcome LOG! :)

  6. Looks like you've got a pretty sweet year planned. My husband and I have been together & married for the same amount of time as you two!

  7. 2012 looks like it will be a blast for you! It's crazy how quickly this year has flown by!

  8. Sounds like a great year ahead Lisa. So sorry to hear about your mother's condition. May God give you and your family strength to get through this difficult time. And may you have a wonderful 2012 ahead! :)

  9. I adore Lisa and her ability to see the positives through whatever negatives there are in her life.

    I really need to make a list like this, esp so I can refer back to it when I get stressed out!!!

  10. Lisa is great! And she is from my hometown! I hope 2012 is good for you Lisa- and I would love it too if the Bears won it all!


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