
November 28, 2011

Oh Thanksgiving weekend

Oh Thanksgiving weekend, how I love thee. How I've always loved thee, but how I love thee even more now that Lovie is with us.

Oh how I love to feast on carbelicious foods for days on end...

Oh I how I love to watch this little girl do her thing and be as cute as she can possibly be without even knowing it (here she is wearing G-pa's hat)...

Oh how I love waking up on Black Friday, making a pot of coffee, and pulling out all the Christmas decor (and, this year, Oh how I ADORED hearing and seeing the excitement in Lovie- her Ooooo's to everything getting pulled out and put up, her "oooo cool socks" comment when she noticed the stockings on the wall {no fireplace, eh} after waking from a 3 hour nap {lucky girl}, her "Snowman!" comments at all the Santa's) and tree and decorating the house while listening to Christmas music...

Oh how I love that even after two full days of just being a family and carrying on (or starting new) traditions, there are still two more days left to the long weekend... a Saturday spent out and about- first going to 10am Imnastics (gymnastics), then grabbing a hot dog before driving out to Oma and Grandma's for a lengthy visit before arriving back home just in time for bed... a Sunday spent home doing a bunch of nothing but whatever we want (coloring, snacking, bathing, watching tv, cuddling on the couch, tickle fests).

Thank you Thanksgiving weekend. You did not disappoint. Not one bit.


  1. I can't wait to put the tree up this year! Looks like you guys had a lovely holiday weekend!

  2. You always take the best pictures---well, you do have a beautiful subject:-)

    Isn't a bunch of nothing grand??

  3. Ahhh yessss, the food, the relaxing, the family atmosphere... I can FEEL IT! :)


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