
November 18, 2011

Few of my Favorite things Friday

Boy it's been a while since I've done one of these... I'm just gonna jump right in:

Toddler Mum-Mums
They are my favorite because they don't leave a mess in the car, which is when they get eaten by a little someone who begs for food (Cracka! Biscuit! Hungry, Mama, Eat!!). We drive in the car twice a day every single day during the week and sometimes on the weekend and my girl is growing and loves her snacks. These are like nothing (very little nutritional value so her dinner doesn't get spoiled and she remains happy). And she knows it. She's not always happy when I hand her one but after she throws a fit without it and still claims to be hungry, I offer again and it'll do. Granted I find more of them in the back seat than she eats, but they're very car friendly in that they really don't make a huge mess (and really, they're tasty- not too heavy, nice and light and airy)!

Jason's Deli
I've just recently discovered this place and hot damn do I want to move in. I've only been one time and that one time was enough to know and believe that Jason's Deli is awesome. Plain and simple. The BEST sandwich (and I love me sandwiches) I've EVER had (the Ham and Salami Mufaletta- get it.... NOW!). EVER. Honestly. Wow, I can't really put it into words how yummy this place is. Go experience it for yourself if you haven't already.
You can get the aforementioned Mum Mums from if you want. You can also get hair care products, laundry items, toys, vibrators, toothpaste, diapers, and more from And you can get it all by sitting your ass down in front of the computer and clicking on the items you want and paying with your handy dandy notebook credit card. And the fine people at will package everything nice and neatly in a box with their logo and get it delivered to you within a day or two. I live in a big city and always get mine delivered the next day. Super fucking convenient. I really love them. Like really really.

NOTE: these are all just my opinions and i'm not in any way, shape, or form being compensated or provided with anything from any of these favorites
oh and if you haven't done so already, please check this out (click on the fun picture):

1 comment:

  1. sounds like it could change my life. A one-stop shop from the comfort of my recliner?? I'm in.


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