
October 5, 2011

Wordful Wednesday

First thing's first: I've written a new piece for Lisa's blog. Lisa, also known as LOG, is a dear friend of mine who I met years ago whilst planning our weddings. She's good people so I really hope you go over and check out her blog and my guest post over at LOG's blog.

Secondly and almost finally, I forgot to mention the weekend... this past weekend. We did a whole bunch of nothing special, yet it was awesomely amazing and fun! Nothing, and I do repeat NOTHING, makes me happier than just being with my Lovie.
And by "being" with her, I mean just sitting with her, just watching her do her thing, just playing with her, eating with her, talking with her, chasing her, reading with her, watching TV with her...
Not a day goes by when she doesn't make me feel so in awe of her and all that she knows, all that she's learning, all that she remembers.
But really, it's the insignificant moments when she's just doing whatever that leave me with tears in my eyes over how incredibly beautiful she is- inside and out. She's got such a sweet little heart. And she's so incredibly smart.
And she's mine. All mine. I'm so incredibly lucky. I get to be her Mama and ... just wow.

Enough gushing, eh. Sheesh.

Anyway and finally, THREE MORE DAYS TILL BRYAN ADAMS!!! I'm so excited. So very excited. Last time I saw him I was a couple months pregnant with Lovie and he was on his acoustic tour. And I cried so much during the show. He's so awesome and to hear him acoustically... just wow. Nothing fancy at all. Just a man who absolutely loves what he does, doing it right in front of you.  I can't wait to see if he mentions his baby girl at all. What? You didn't know the 50+ year old's baby mama just had a baby? Yup. Mirabella Bunny.

I hope you enjoy my post over on LOG's blog! And if you're stopping over for the first time because of that post, WELCOME! :)

[linking up with Supermom and The Paper Mama]


  1. Thanks for posting lady. :) XOXO.

  2. Oh my goodness gracious! What a cute little one you have and I'm sure it was worth the wait to "finally be a mom!" Love the picts and just wanted to thank you for stopping by today :D

  3. Oh my goodness. Your daughter is adorable. I love her hair....and her shirt. I kind of have a thing for cupcakes

  4. She's such a cutie patootie! And be careful with the "she's all mine" thing. I often get like that with The Boy, but then I remember Hubs.

  5. Just loved reading your love in these words! Pure love!!!


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