
October 31, 2011

Monchichi costume

Originally I picked up a Cow's costume for Lovie to wear today but after I got it home, ripped off the tags, and tried it on her, I discovered it barely fit. And that was two months ago. Considering the fact that her size 2T jeans are almost too short, I knew the Cow costume, size 24 months, was a bust.

I wasn't happy about this revelation as I'm as cheap as they come and I was not wanting to spend another $15-30 on another costume for her to wear one, maybe two days.
And that's when it hit me: I was gonna turn my baby doll into a baby doll herself. A Monchichi doll!

It was perfect- she has the hair, I could easily dress her in brown and get a bib... just gotta figure out the tail... Did some online searches and it was a deal:
Lovie would be a Monchichi
The day finally arrived to try it all out... it was gloomy out, the temps were OK, we hadn't visited the in-laws in a bit. Why not dress our monkey up (is that what a Monchichi is?!?) and take a test run?

* hand write Monchhichi (the way it's spelled on the doll's bib) on a Dollar Tree bib- $1
* brown shirt- $3 from Once Upon a Child and will be worn again so I don't even count this in the total of the costume cost.
* brown sweatshirt- $10 from Old Navy but has been worn often and don't count it since will be worn again.
* brown leggings- part of a $13 outfit from Marshall's and don't count it since they've been worn and will be worn again.
* tail- a women's knee high sock from the Dollar Tree ($1) stuffed with paper towel and safety pinned (free from my mom) to her leggings
* brown boots- $20 from Meijer store but don't count as they have been worn and will be worn again
* face paint - $1 - from Dollar Tree (love you Dollar Tree) but she's going w/out the makeup today as she just rubs it off (wuzdat on my nose?!)


  1. OH MY GOSH, what a great costume idea!!! I loved Monchichi's growing up! Such a cute, creative idea and OF COURSE she looks absolutely precious!!! :)

    Happy Halloween Lovie! :)

  2. Oh my lord!!! You're right!! She is pretty darn cute! I. Love. It!!!!!

  3. So stinkin' cute!!! And great job!

  4. She is completely adorable! Gosh, I love that hair! She's got a ton of it!

  5. Fantastic idea! Now I have that song stuck in my head!LOL
    She looks adorable.

  6. Hello, I'm from the Netherlands and was trying to find Monchichi shops in our contry through google. And then I saw this pictures.. I really got happy! :D Such a great idea, and the result is wonderful!
    I hope you had a nice Helloween!


  7. How do I get this costume for my 2 year old daughter?


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