
October 27, 2011

22 things

1.) …this week write a list of  22 things you HAVE done.

1.       Become a mom.
2.       Get married.
3.       Become an aunt 6 times.
4.       Become a great aunt.
5.       Met Bryan Adams in person.
6.       Get a bachelor’s degree.
7.       Gone to four different high schools.

from google images

8.       Owned and driven a 1969 VW Bug.
9.       Smoked lots of pot.
10.   Had surgery.
11.   Gone to Austria.

from google images

12.   Spent a week in Maine.
13.   Driven to Canada.
14.   Got stopped from border patrol in Tijuana, Mexico trying to come back into the States with drug paraphernalia purchased in Mexico.
15.   Get a tattoo.
16.   Gone to Las Vegas.
17.   Gone to New York City.
18.   Gone to a Broadway show.
19.   Had writing published.
20.   Met someone off the internet.
21.   Moved more than 15 times.
from google images

22.   Won $100 for best Halloween costume- Garcia, the Beanie Baby.


  1. I'd like to go to a broadway show one day.

  2. Wow! What a crazy few things you've done ;)
    I love that first sweet :)

  3. Great list! You've moved so many times!

  4. It sounds like you've been to a lot of different places and had lots of adventures!

  5. When you drive up to Canada again, be sure to visit me in Winnipeg!

    Loved your list! I am also in love with the first picture. OMG to #5, and I think I should've added #9 to mine somewhere. I'd forgotten! lol


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