
July 14, 2011

What makes me happy

This was fun and different as far as a "writing prompt" goes. I enjoyed doing it... even though I kept putting it off and just did it here at work minutes ago. It would've been nice to have the actual "SHE" in the picture, but you get the idea I'm sure. Ack, I do love her so. : ) And she does make me so happy. Even on mornings like this one when I stupidly had her carry in the Chips Ahoy cookies into daycare where the classrooms are all having Picnic Days later today. She did great carrying the cookies in but then letting them go and sit on the counter unopened, uneaten???? What the hell was I thinking?!?!!!! Stupid mommy FAIL. She went limp, her mouth flew open (I think I counted like 15 teeth now!), and she screamed and cried and carried on and on and on. I don't blame her, really. I kinda wanted to dive into the damn cookies myself.  Anyway, even on mornings like this one when she's throwing tantrums and not liking me very much, she still makes me oh so happy.


  1. Beautiful little girl! Enjoy every moment with her.

    I think as parents we all have those fail moments......and many are in public! You are not alone.

  2. Have them later right before dinner with a glass of milk, so you both get a treat :)

  3. She is absolutely gorgeous!! That hair is so cute!

  4. I'm w/Optimistic Mom -- we all fail every now and again. We learn as we go. And you have successfully made me want cookies.

  5. that pretty little angel had a tantrum? i don't believe you! ;) totally been there!

  6. What a little sweetheart. Visiting from Mama Kat's

  7. Aren't those the best things about motherhood?? :) Oh, I just LOVE it.

    Stopping by from MK's!

    Jackie @

  8. What a cute idea and cute poster. She is just the cutest thing!

  9. That is so sweet. And true, no matter what our children will always make us happy.

  10. Ugh! I could squish the cute out of her for DAYS! You're one lucky Mama. :) Enjoy her!


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