
June 5, 2011

Zoo visit #1

Wednesday, the day of our 4th wedding anniversary, we woke around 830... nice and late (since Lovie was born). The weather was supposed to be perfectly clear and a high about 70 and since we're both fans of cooler weather, we thought it would be a perfect day for a zoo visit.

After breakfast in bed and a little TV watching while we got ready, we headed out.

We were right. It was a perfect day for Lovie's first visit to a zoo. And while there are two bigger and better zoos where we live, I really enjoyed this zoo for its more intimate feeling and am glad this was Lovie's first experience. It wasn't overwhelming at all and we were actually able to walk the entire park and see all of its animals in one decent visit. And there weren't gobs of people like there are back home.

Oh how I love vacation.


  1. I love the expression on her face in the bottom-most picture. She really is so cute!

  2. Lovie looks so excited and her little face!


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