
June 21, 2011

something i know for sure

my Lovie will NOT be dressed like this, singing like this, looking like this when she is 16 years old.

nor will she be marrying a 51 year old actor at 16.

no no no NO


  1. What a creep! Ewwww. Gross. What in the HELL does a 51 year old MAN want with a 16 year old GIRL? That is just disgusting!!!

    And wait, she's a "country singer"? That crap wasn't even singing. I have never heard of her before, and that is probably why.

    Ugh, this whole post is very troubling. LOL

  2. I saw LeeAnn's tweet about this...What the What? She does not look 16! Guess the same parent who approved her marriage also gave her consent for that boob job. This is simply disgusting.

  3. Ditto. your Lovie and my Heart can hang out together and not look like unguided teenage trash. Gross.


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