
June 13, 2011


Guess who now pretends to sleep? : )

(oh she's not *that* much of a prankster yet... this is of her *sound* asleep for realio from some time last week.)
A little while after getting home on Friday, Lovie looked at me and said "Nigh Nigh?" I looked at her and said, "Night-Night?! Already?"

It was only 5:30.

She smiled at me and laid down on the floor of the living room and, with her eyes open, started snoring.

"Oh, OK, go Night Night then," I said, quietly. "I'll be quiet."

She got up and smiled at me and continued watching Team Umizoomi.

Saturday at the park with my dad, Lovie at one point slid down a slide and laid down at the end of it.

"Night Night," I said.

She smiled and repeated, "Nigh Nigh" and started making the snoring noise. Haha. Then grandpa came over and covered her with a towel he brought along (it had been raining for days prior). She closed her eyes as she laid at the bottom of the slide and pretended to snore.

Later when we were home and after eating our late lunch, she yawned and I asked if she was tired and she said... you guessed it... "Nigh Nigh" and put her head on the high chair tray and snored.

"Shhhhh," I said to the H. "Baby's sleeping. We have to be quiet."

She continued to lay her head snoring.

Heh. She's such a funny little thing some times.

Now if only I can get her to do that at 5 in the morning on weekends when she wakes...


  1. Don't you just love this age!! They are so much fun! She is getting so big, and is beautiful as always!

  2. First, I LOVE how she is just sleeping with complete abandon. Totally trusting...this is when I most like to watch Ada sleeping, hands all flung above her head.

    Second, Ada picked up this snoring habit too! We got back from Seattle and I asked MIL, "did you teach her to snore?" MIL giggled and confessed. But Ada hasn't made the connection like Lovie has - she is eyes wide open and smiling all the while making this noise.

    They are funny little being for sure :)

  3. OMG the fake night-night is adorable! When O does it his fake snoring sounds like "tah-choo". He pretty much does it whenever he sees one of his blankies.

    PS LOVE that sprawl.

  4. Jack does that to, but he says "ohhhhh sheeeepy". So cute!

  5. my little guy does this too! what is the night, night game about? It's too cute. He finds pillows and blankets around the house and says night night with a big grin.

  6. That looks like Pie sleeping. I check on her before I go to bed and more often than not leave the room scratching my head wondering how on earth she could be comfortable!


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