
May 10, 2011

Monday a no-go

May 10, 2011: we skipped going to the park yesterday.

Turns out Lovie spent some time outside whilst at daycare so I let the impending possibility of rain sway me into driving straight home instead of stopping like we did every day last week.

Of course when we got home the sun started to come out.

I was going to bring her back down to the front "yard" with some sidewalk chalk after I peed but I needed to do some laundry, clean the kitchen, and she wanted to watch Pop Pop (Wiggles videos) as soon as we walked in the door.

So yesterday after work/school was spent indoors.

Today it's like 80 and humid (blech do I hate the humidity), but with a threat of rain. Hopefully the rain will stay away enough for us to make a stop and see what kind of adventure we can get into today!

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you. Humidity is the worst. I can't stand when it's all heavy and muggy out.


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