
May 17, 2011

Get Ready!!!

"Get Ready... to... W I G G L E"

The Wiggles are coming!

The Wiggles are coming!!

And Lovie, her daddy, and myself are going!! Just ordered us third row center balcony seats (just cannot justify spending a hundred dollars more for main floor seats at this point) moments ago.


I can't believe I'm doing this and that I'm so freakin excited about it. I always thought it was silly and a waste of money to take the real little kids to things like this because they won't really remember it but... in case you forgot... Lovie's very first phrase was Wiggle related. So how can I NOT take her to this?! And that blue guy is cute. And so is Captain Feathersword. And... OK... I admit... I sing along to many of the songs.

Also...unrelated... but whatchu think of my new header up there?!?!


  1. Love the new header and the sidebar pic of Lovie in the hat. I could die from the cuteness!

    And as long as you don't tell anyone, I think Captain Feathersword is kind of cute too :)

  2. I would take Ebee to the Wiggles in a heartbeat!


speak your mind.