
March 14, 2011

things that make you go hmmm

Those are Lovie's first pair of real shoes. (I love this picture- thanks to the husband for taking it. How stupid though? It's a picture of shoes, for crying out loud!!) Converse All Stars, infant size 3. She lovingly wore them a handful of times before they became too small. I love these damn shoes. They are black yet they have little hearts on the back near the ankle and the shoestrings are rainbowish. Super damn cute and not pink. Perfect for my Lovie. But they're too small and I'm not sure if I want to sell them or what. The husband insists they will "rot" if I keep them. Eh? Rot?!? Do shoes Rot? Weird. Anyway, hmmm. What are you all doing with your babe's first pair of real shoes (she didn't have baby shoes)?

I wanted to include this picture because she's my Lovie and my god do I adore her. We went to the park yesterday and when she got out of the stroller she kind of took off. Hehe it was pretty cute and a bit random. I wasn't sure what was happening but it was cute to watch. This pic was taken as she spotted her Daddy waving from the swings. She's all, "heh, that's my pops!"

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  1. Honestly? I am pretty sure I tossed PJ's pedipeds. It's just not something I hold sentimental value too. But that's me. ;)

  2. They're packed away with Pie's other sentimental clothes. I didn't keep much, but what I have is in vaccuum bags.

  3. My baby is only 11 months but I've kept every single pair of cute shoes she's had.
    Considering what your husbands said I do hope they don't rot! Lok

  4. Right now they are in a box with all of his clothes. I am not sure what we will do with them!


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