
December 13, 2010

weekend in pics

I'm freaking sick again. This time it's my sinuses. I honestly can't handle much more of this. Between Lovie and me, we've probably been sick every day of this past year. Unfreakingbelievable.


This here below was taken Friday, 12/10- 19 days to go. She drinks well from a sippy but has yet to drink an entire bottle's worth... instead, she enjoys shaking it up and down and throwing it on the floor.

Below is from Saturday morning, 12/11- 18 days to go. I love her Grumpy Old man face. : )  And yes, this is how I dress her on the weekends- extra warm sweatshirt, diaper, leggings (these were $1 from Target- women's knee high socks with the feet cut off: bada boom, bada bing!), shoes*.

Below is from Saturday night, 12/11- 18 days to go: first Santa pic ever. I wanted her to cry because I'm mean and LOVE the hysterical Santa pics but nooooo, not my kid. She's all "Get on with it already." But she's damn cute. And so is that onesie I got from Etsy just hours before going to the mall.

Below is from Sunday morning, 12/12- 17 days to go. She's rediscovering Sophie, the damn giraffe I was stupid enough to buy. *(Oh and the shoes. While they're super cute and easy to put on and stay on, I can't tell you how many times she wiped out. On her face. :(  If you have a walker and hardwood floors- nix those shoes.)

Finally, my favorite pic from the weekend comes from last night, 12/12- 17 days to go. The husband made me this hat (yes, we both took up knitting in January of 2009) over a year ago except it was way too small (I have a big head a shitton of hair) and we found it and put it on Lovie and she wore it all night. And she wore it way better than I ever could. I just don't get how she can be THAT damn cute!!


  1. I love that hat on her! She looks great.

    We ended up going with sippy cups with straws. Caroline never could get the hang of turning the cup up on the other kind. But she also drinks a LOT less from the cup than she does a bottle.

  2. Love the pics!! Babygirl loves shaking her milk and throwing it on the floor too. We have those exact sippy cups too. Where do you get her shoes? I want to get some more for Babygirl.


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