
December 22, 2010

Three days before Christmas

...and I'm actually excited (and while there are f-bombs below- you've been WARNED- they are out of pure and utter excitement, I swear- haha, yes I do).

I'm off tomorrow so it's just me and my girl and we're gonna bake cookies (and eat some of course) and wrap presents while Xmas music is playing. We'll stop for the occasional dance because my girl, she LOVES to dance. We'll nap. And then we'll do it all over again until daddy comes home or until bedtime- and I cannot fucking WAIT.

Then Friday is Christmas Eve and daddy'll be home with us so I'm thinking we'll take things as slow as we can till it's time to get all dolled up and head out to Oma's house to be with my Oma and the rest of the family. I can't fucking wait to watch Lovie play with her 3 and 4 yo cousins. I can't fucking wait to watch them all open presents and have FUN. I can't fucking wait to watch my Oma's eyes glisten as she, too, watches the wee one's and their faces light up. I just can't fucking wait!

And before we leave Oma's, we'll put lovebug in her pj's so that when we get home, she can go straight to bed so that Santa can come. ... and then Christmas morning she'll wake up and we'll all rush to the Christmas Tree and see what's there! I'll put Christmas music on (love that we can do this on cable- no commercials or anything) and make Monkey Bread (for the first time- hoping to do it every year) and coffee. We'll open presents and play and dance and laugh... Around noon Grandpa will come over and we'll do it all again but with cookies and cheese and crackers and such. Then Grandpa will leave and the in-laws will come and we'll do it all over again and have a feast for dinner!

I honestly cannot fucking wait. I have been waiting FOREVER to have this kind of Christmas- a Norman Rockwell Christmas! There's snow on the ground, a chill in the air, and a baby to experience Christmas for the very first time.



  1. OMGGGG! You always post the *cutest* pictures of her! It's like I know her!!! Have a GREAT holiday!


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