
December 9, 2010

STUFF(ed animals)

From yesterday, day 8 of Lovie's last month in infanthood:

She loves her stuffed animals. This is probably her second or third favorite- her heart belongs to her grandmabear though.

So I hate stuffed animals. Hate them. They're a waste of space to me.... at least that's how I felt a year ago. 

Well, not anymore. It started several months back (like 7 months or so- geez!) when the hubs and I were sitting on the couch and I was playing with Lovie. I laid her on the couch between us, grabbed her bunny (given to her on Easter from her grandpa) and started acting like it was hopping closer and closer to her until it kissed her nose. She squealed in delight. OMG it was the funniest, most sweetest thing ever. I kept doing it and she kept squealing in delight. After a couple minutes, I let go of the bunny when it was kissing her and Lovie grabbed it with all her might and hugged it and kissed it and starting eating it. After a couple minutes of that, I took it away and started the play all over again. And she LOVED it. I think we did this for like an hour that day.

So now the hate I have for the waste of space creatures is stifled. Actually, it's gone. No more hatred from this momma. Not after seeing my baby doll so enamored by them.

Speaking of being enamored, wanna be a part of something pretty damn cool by another momma who's enamored by her cherubic babe? Check out sweet Caroline's momma's blog about giving $$ to St. Jude's - and all you have to do is leave a comment (spamming doesn't count, of course!) on her blog!!


  1. That looks like a good squishy one! I love the look on Lovies face too!!

    Pie has a couple of animals she really likes, but right now she seems to have moved all her love to a blankie, so we'll see.

  2. Thanks for the plug, Mama! You rock!

    Stuffed animals are now a big part of our life too. I haven't quite gotten over thinking they are a waste of space yet though!

  3. Love love love the Lovie. She is so darling. Stuffed animals really are a waste of space but oh so much more tolerable when getting the baby sugar.


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