
December 20, 2010

Last week

Last week was rough for me (health wise). This whole month has been actually. Thank God I did most of Lovie's 1st Christmas and 1st Birthday shopping done months ago. THANK GOD. I don't know what I'd be doing if I hadn't.

But who cares about me? What about Lovie?!?? How's my Lovie?! FABULOUS, of course:

Monday I went to work, stupidly. Tuesday I stayed home and the husband was kind enough to bring Lovie to and from daycare for me... first time ever (her school is closer to my work and we work in completely different directions from home). Wednesday I REALLY stupidly went to work and thought I was gonna die so left early and picked up Lovie.  Thursday and Friday it was me and my girl all day long!  I was not feeling well- at all- but that girl has a way of bringing magic into my world and making any bad much better.

Saturday... Saturday we had a professional photographer come to our place at 11am. First pro shots of the girl since she was born. I was so nervous that it would be a waste of money because Lovie is just so serious in front of the camera with people she doesn't know. But it was FABULOUS. And I'm so grateful we waited this long and went this route. The photog posted 10 teasers... I shared one yesterday and if you haven't seen it, it's truly your loss... and here's another favorite of mine from the shoot:

Gah, I love how crazy her curls are and her big eyes and that nose I wanna nom off her face and the shirt... I love that shirt and am so glad I bought it because everyone seems to have forgotten that this Christmas is Lovie's first. My Lovie. My Life. My Everything.


  1. GORGEOUS! I tried commenting on yesterday's picture too, but for some reason it just wouldn't let me.

    These pics are amazing, they really turned out beautifully! I can't wait to see how Lovie does with her first Christmas and her first bday!!

  2. I adore her. I work with this age now, and I so quickly remembered how magical and fun everything is. Yay. And the time flies....*sigh* Happy 1st birthday, Lovie.


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